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Quietly walking up behind him, Andrea realizes that he's just standing there staring off into space.

"uUm sir you good." Andrea asks, scaring the boy making him drop all the water bottles.

"Oh um sorry." The blonde boy mutters scratching the back of his head.

"Oh no it's fine I Didn't realize I got lost in thought." The boy mutters as they both bend down to pick up the water bottles.

"I'm Guy by the way." The blonde boy says to the brunette.

"Oh I'm Andrea." The brunette says with a smile as he starts to refill the water bottles.

"I really am sorry about the water." Guy says while Andrea just laughs at how awkward he's being.

"It's fine I Doubt my team walked off anywhere.'' Andrea says with a smile as he finishes filling up the water bottles.

"Team?" Guy questions confused while Andrea just laughs.

"I'm part of the soccer team. Hockey isn't the only sport here." Andrea says laughing as Guy's face heats up in embarrassment.

"Anyways it was nice meeting you but my team could go for some water." Andrea says, taking the water bottles from the boy's hands and starts walking away.

"Yah, nice meeting you too." Guy says as she walks.

Turning around he starts to head back to the rink in awe about the brunette girl he just met.


As the brunette gets back to the field she sees everyone still laying on the turf tired.

"Here's your water guys." Andrea says handing them out as everyone mutters some sort of thank you.

"Um Andrea, why does my cup say Charlie?" Siena asks as everyone looks at their water bottles seeing a name that's not theirs.

"Oh shit I scared a hockey boy at the water fountain and the water bottles must have been switched up." Andrea says as everyone groans while getting up.

"Well let's go give them back. I mean I could go for some air conditioning." Reave says as everyone agrees.

"I'll bark at them." Stephani says with a smile as Meg slaps the back of her head.

"No your not.'' Meg mutters as Stephani starts making a dolphin noise.

As they walk into the air conditioning building every sighs in relief finally cooling down.

"Thank god for the hockey arena being the coldest place in the school." Mikaela mutters as they walk into the arena seeing the ducks around a blonde.

"I'll get their attention." Stephani says as she warms up her voice.

"Wait plea-" Baylee starts to say only for it to be too late and get interrupted by stephani barking.

All the ducks turn to face the girls at the top of the stands after hearing the same barking they heard when Charlie got stuck under the curtains.

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