𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝖲𝗂𝗑

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The next morning the first one awake just so happens to be Stephani.

Realizing she and Luis fell asleep together she slightly smiles to herself before looking around seeing most of the soccer team fell asleep on someone from the soccer team.

"Oh this will be good for my vlogs." Stephani mutters to herself as she slowly gets out of Luis' grasp around her.

As Stephani makes her way down to where her camera is she doesn't see Mikaela's crutches and trips over them again.

With a groan she gets up and looks around hoping she didn't wake anyone up.

Grabbing her camera she looks back at what she filmed last night before recording everyone asleep on each other only to see something she didn't film.

Quickly looking at it hoping that no one wakes up so she can film it she starts to watch something that Baylee must have filmed when her and Connie got off the ice.

"And they aren't together?" Stephani hears Connie say in the background of the video when Baylee zooms into her and Luis sleeping together making Stephani's smile grow even more.

"Thank god for Baylee." Stephani says as the video finishes on Kenny and Caitlin together.

"Well I'm getting a little after, moment to see how everyone is now." Stephani says into the camera as she zooms into sleeping Luis.

"I'm up before everyone but that's how it always is but there's Luis asleep he kinda looks cute to bad he's super annoying." Stephani says as Luis flips her off clearly awake but not wanting to do anything.

"Go back to sleep, you didn't hear anything." Stephani whisper shouts towards the boy who grows a slight smile with how the girl is acting.

"Ok right here is Connie and Baylee are roommates and somehow they're still not together but I'm sure things will change soon." Stephani mutters zooming into Connie and Baylee asleep next to each other.

"Lk over here we have my favorite couple Kenny and Caitlin, or what I like to call them, Canny." Stephani as she takes notice that Kenny now had his arm around Caitlin while Caitlin was now on his chest instead of his legs.

"Oh and my other favorite couple, Gndrea. They are still holding hands which is my favorite thing on earth. But I wonder if Guy's hands get sweaty like Andreas?" Stephani says laughing to herself as she zooms into their hands to see if there's any sweat on them.

"Doesn't look like it but who knows." Stephani mutters as she turns her camera over to Averman and Reave.

"I don't even know what's going on between them but I mean I ship it." Stephani says seeing both of them sleeping together.

"Oh oh and the two people I'm surprised aren't together yet, are right there but at the same time I'm not that surprised they're not together cause Mikaela doesn't like the Ducks but I do think she's starting to be fine with them." Stephani mutters, taking notice of Adam being somewhat up due to his hands playing with the girl's hair.

"I mean the whole team has a ship name for them but that's a topic for a different time." Stephani says as she turns off her camera and lays on one of the bleachers bored due to the fact everyone is basically still asleep.


"You're Canadian and you don't know how to skate? How is that possible." Scooter says as making Jessie roll his eyes.

"Hey don't make fun of me, I'm sure plenty of people don't know how to skate like the whole soccer team." Jessie says going back to look for a book to read for english.

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