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Tie game, it was a tie game. That's all Charlie thought as the team headed into the locker room.

"I can't believe we ended with a tie. We had it in the bag too." Charlie groans as he gets to his locker.

"Charlie, it's our first game, it's fine." Connie tells the boy who only rolls his eyes at the girl.

"And you don't have to worry the girl you wanted to impress wasn't even at the game so it's not like you embarrassed yourself." Luis says not knowing he was the only one to know he had a crush on Mikaela.

"Charlie likes Mikaela, there's no way." Julie says as both girls share a look.

"Luisssss." Charlie groans as Luis just rolls his eyes.

"Yah and Adam has the hots for her too." Fulton says as everyone gasps.

"Well let's put the odds in-" Kenny starts to say, only for Averman to cut him off.

"Has anyone seen my clothes?" The redhead mutters as everyone checks their lockers only to see their clothes weren't there either.

"Alright, who took our clothes?" Charlie says, looking at everyone assuming it was one of them.

"Wait, are the showers on?" Goldburge says confused as he notices that everyone is in the room and no one would be in the showers.

Opening the curtains to where the showers are, the Ducks notice that all their clothes are now soaking wet and varsity was the reason for it.

"I swear to god I'm going to kill them." Luis says as they turn off the showers and go through the clothes to find their own.


"Why are your clothes wet?" Reave asks Julie as she enters her dorm.

"I don't know, why not ask varsity?" Julie says rather rudely towards the brunette.

"Oh so that's where they went at the end of the game." Reave mutters as Julie rolls her eyes.

"So you knew and didn't try and stop them huh." Julie says annoyed as Reave rolls her eyes.

"No, I knew they left before the game but we didn't think anything of it." Reave says not wanting Julie to be mad at her.

"I'm sure someone on your team knew about it though and letting it happen was total bullshit." Julie says annoyed while getting dry clothes to change into.

"The only one that would of known about it would maybe be Mikaela but she's not here.'' Reave says knowing damn well she would have known and probably would have helped if she was here.

"Mikaela has it out for the Ducks can't she get the fact that she's an annoying bitch." Julie says, clearly forgetting she's talking to one of the blonde girl's best friends.

"I think you forgot who you're talking to." Reave mutters as Julie gasps as she realizes she just talked shit about one of Mikaela's friends.

"Shit, please don't tell her what I said. What happens in this room stays in the room right?" Julie asks as the brunette laughs.

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