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The following morning Connie wakes up before the sleeping brunette.

Slowly the brunette moves her way out of baylee's arms to take a shower due to the fact she didn't take one last night.

By the time Connie is done taking her shower and walks back into the dorm she realizes Baylee is up and ready to head down to breakfast.

"Good luck at your game I gotta go make sure Stephani doesn't bark at the science teacher." Baylee says as she heads out of the dorm room.

Once out of the room Baylee notices Stephani heading out her room with an annoyed face.

"And where do you think you're going? You can't bark at a teacher for a bad grade." Baylee says as he runs to catch up with the brunette.

"Wait, how did you find out about thattttt." Stephani whines as she notices the rest of the team walk out of their dorms.

"Word travels fast and Mikaela called knowing she can't stop you due to her being at her cousin's house." Baylee says as she makes stephani stop walking and wait for the rest of the team.

"Stephani, it's the first week you can still get your grade up, do not bark at the teacher." Lexi says as they head down to the lunch room.

"How did you guys even hear about that last time I checked I only told Mikaela about what I was going to do." Stephani says as they sit at their table.

"Yah and last time I checked mikaela tells us stuff if what your going to do is dumb." Andrea says back, making the brunette huff.

"Wait, does that mean there's a group chat without me." Stephani questions as the girls all give Andrea a glare.

"What pshhhh nooo not at all." Andrea mutters, only making the situation worse.

"Wow I'm offended by that and I was going to offer to get drinks for you guys." Stephani mutters as she gets up to get a drink.

"Andrea I can't believe you outed the chat" Jessie shouts as Andrea gives her a confused look.

"We never use it unless Mikaela is gone so it not the end of the world she'll forget about it by tonight." The girl says as everyone hopes that's the case.

Walking back to the table Stephani holds a smirk on her face.

"Guys I personally think you should all do something for me because of the chat you have without me." Stephani says as everyone rolls their eyes.

"Stephani no just no we only have it when Mikaela's not here and wants us to stop you form doing something dumb." Caitlin says as Stephani's mouth forms an o.

"Well that makes a lot more sense." Stephani says not all that surprised.

"So what's the plan for today other than the hockey game?" Meg asks, knowing that usually Mikaela always has plans if she's not gone for the weekend.

"I have no idea I always rely on Mikaela when it comes to plans." stephani mutters.

"Even if it annoys her cause I always follow her around." Stephani adds on making the girls roll their eyes.


"Alright ladies, it's game day, well for the Ducks at least." Caitlin mutters as the girls start to head down to the hockey arena.

"Yah and mikaela's not here for it." Lexi mutters.

"I was talking with her earlier and it sounded like she could care less. How do I put it nicely? she kinda doesn't really like the Ducks." Stephani says as the girls look at her confused.

"And why wouldn't she like the Ducks?" Meg questions none of them were huge fans of the Ducks but almost the whole soccer team has fallen for at least one of them.

"She said her cousin has a spot here along with Rick's brother then boom all of a sudden the Ducks are guaranteed a spot and her cousin lost his spot." Jessie says as everyone's mouth forms an o.

"Well that's awkward." Meg mutters as they get to the arena.

"I mean I kinda get her side of things." Lexi mutters as they find a spot that just so happens to be behind varsity.

"Wait, so I could have seen Mikaela's cousin every day and maybe had classes with him if it weren't for the ducks." Caitlin says upset.

"And you could have seen my little bro too." Rick says, turning around to see the soccer team.

"Heya Rick." Reave says with a smile only to get an eye roll.

"Wait, where's Mikaela?" Rick asks not seeing the girl only for Scooter to roll his eyes.

"Rick, I told you last night that she's at her cousin's house and I'm in charge of getting her tomorrow after her cousin's basketball game." Scooter says as Rick starts to remember.

"Oh yeah I remember that she said she would rather see her cousin play then the Ducks play." Rick says as Jessie rolls her eyes.

"Dude Adam is right there." Andrea mutters into Rick's ear after seeing the look Adam had on his face.

"Adam, take no offense you're the only one that probably should have been on the team, your friends on the other hand not so much." Rick says while patting Adams back.

Turning their attention onto the rink they see the Ducks skate onto the rink.

As the Ducks enter the rink they look around the arena to see really only students at the game.

"Stop looking around and get to warming up." Mr.Orion says making the Ducks start to shoot at Goldburge.

"Is there already a lucky girl?" Charlie asks Luis as he takes notice of the fact he keeps looking at someone.

"No, I just wanna chuck a puck at Stephanie's head." Luis says to Charlie which makes him laugh.

"Maybe don't kill her." Charlie says as Luis skates up to shoot a shot at Goldburge.

"You got someone in the crowd?" Luis asks as he sees Charlie looking at the crowd as well.

"Well I wanted to impress someone but she's not here." Charlie huffs annoyed that he could have tried to get Mikaela today.

"Oh my god you like Mikaela don't you." Luis says, his eyes widening.

"Yah well, so does Adam. He gets everything he wants because he's a cake eater and his parents have money." Charlie says annoyed , making Luis roll his eyes.

"Well I think it's time for me to teach you a lesson on girls after the game." Luis says with a smile.

"Yeah whatever." Charlie says, rolling his eyes as everyone skates over to the coach who called them in for a pep talk.

As the game started almost everyone on the Duck team mentally decided to try and show off due to the fact that they all liked a certain soccer girl.

Anyways enjoy the edit bestie Stephani made last night of Keifer 😙

Anyways enjoy the edit bestie Stephani made last night of Keifer 😙

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