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As Friday comes around everyone could easily tell how close Mikaela was to bitch slapping Andrea,Caitlin and Stephani.

"Today's the dayyyyy.'' Andrea says with a smile as she walks up to the table with a huge smile on her face.

"Ugh Mikaela, why does everyone in your family have good genes like I wish." Stephani mutters as the blonde gasps.

"Can you just stop talking about my cousin like that? I have a lot I need to say to him and if you scare him off I will punch you." The blonde says as she grabs her food and goes over to the varsity table with Lexi and Jessie.

"Are we really that annoying?" Stephani asks with a mouth full of food.

"Yes you three are you haven't let Mikaela be for the past few days it's always her cousin this her cousin that." Meg tells the girls as they look at each other.

"Oh maybe we should have stopped." Andrea mutters as she shares a look with the two other girls.

"Nahhhhhh." All three of them say at the same time while everyone else rolls her eyes.

"Guys do know your the reason she won't sit at this table anymore and when she does she ignores you." Reave tells the girls as they all look down guilty.

"Maybe we were a bit extreme with the questions." Caitlin mutters as the other two nod along.

As the three girls look over at the varsity table they notice the blonde talking to Scooter.

"Ok we'll try not talking about her cousin until the game ends, deal?" Andrea says as both Caitlin and Stephani agree.

"How about you just don't talk about him at all?" Baylee mutters, also annoyed with all three of them.

"We couldn't do that, he's too good looking." Caitlin says as Andrea agrees.

"Stephani it's not even the one you like so i don't get why you're annoying her." Meg says as stephani just shrugs her shoulders.

"Annoying Mikaela is my specialty. I'm gonna write that in my college essay or whatever." The brunette says, making the table laugh.

"I think you three should apologize to her." Baylee says being the only reasonable one sense clearly it won't be Andrea.

"Yah I guess we should." Andrea mutters knowing it may be beneficial.

As the three girls get up to head over to the varsity table the ducks take some sort of interest in what's about to happen.

"Guys this could be good." Charlie mutters wanting drama to happen.

The three girls get to the varsity table catching the blonde's attention.

"Mikaela, we would just like to say that we won't talk about your cousin till the game and we won't bug you about going to their house this weekend." Stephani says, making the blonde smile.

"How about you just stop talking about him in general, you do get he's scared of you after you barked at him even though I said he had a barking kink." Mikaela says as the three girls gasp.

"You little bitch I forgot you did that." Caitlin says as Mikaela smiles.

"You better start running cause I didn't get to slap you after you did that because I was too tired to." stephani says as Mikaela gets up and runs out of the cafeteria the three girls close behind.

"Cake eater you better watch out I'm grabbing my fucking sandal!" Stephani shouts as they head out of the cafeteria making everyone start to laugh.

The Ducks look around confused as everyone just goes back to their own thing.

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