𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝖥𝗂𝗏𝖾

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As the girls get to the bleachers both Andrea and Stephani start to head up the bleachers only to hear Mikaela clear her throat.

"Guys I don't have my crutches, you got me into the wheelchair then forgot to grab my crutches." Mikaela mutters, annoyed with how forgetful both girls were.

"Right ummm, Luis go get Mikaela's crutches." Stephani shouts at the boy who was talking with Russ.

"Wait, why me? You go do it.'' Luis shouts back only for them to see both Adam and Charlie walking from the locker room.

"I have her crutches." Charlie says as he walks up to the girl in the wheelchair who gives him a slight smile.

"Thanks sir." Mikaela mumbles as she somewhat gets up and slowly gets up to where the girls are.

"Why couldn't we stay at the bottom like three and not halfway up." Mikaela says somewhat out of breath.

"Because people need to see us and it's our stage." Andrea says in a duh tone making the blonde roll her eyes.

"Well if any of you fall down the bleachers I'll laugh." Mikaela mumbles as stephani barks to get everyone's attention.

"Wait, hold on, let me announce it for you guys." Caitlin says as she runs up the bleachers.

"Ok guys pay attention to me right now." Caitlin shouts as the three girls behind her share a look.

"Please welcome Coochie Meow Meow to the stage, or bleachers in this case." Caitlin says as everyone claps not knowing what the girls had planned.

"I memorized this song like a week ago you two good.'' Mikaela whispers as they stand up Andrea being a bleacher in front in between both girls so it looks somewhat professional.

"Hey guys you'll be the first one to hear us and see a little sneak peek of what we're doing at the talent show. We won't bring singing this song at the talent show but enjoy this.'' Andrea says, turning to both girls behind her to see if either of the other girls wanted to say anything.

"Lh and we're doing a little pitch perfect thing due to not having any drums or guitars in here." stephani says as she sees Caitlin and Reave walk behind them knowing what to do when they start to sing.

"Alright and let the show begin." Mikaela says as the girls start to sing.


Meanwhile, Lexi and Jessie were looking around for the rest of the team.

Not being able to find them both girls head down to the lunchroom to meet up with Scooter and Rick sue to not knowing where the team was.

"Hey, where's the rest of the team?" Rick mutters as both girls sit down next to the boys.

"We have no idea." Jessie mutters as the boys look at each other confused.

"We're just assuming they're at Mikaela's place for the weekend." Lexi says knowing they do that quite often.

"Without you? Weird." Rick says with a cheesy smile.

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