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By the time Friday came around everyone was looking forward to dinner. What most of them didn't know was what varsity had planned.

"Can you tell me why I'm baking this cake now?" Mikaela groans as she and Rick walk into the kitchen.

"If we tell you, promise us you won't say anything at the dinner." Cole says as he finds the measuring cups.

"Yah yah I swear if it's against the Ducks I'm here for it." Mikaela says as Rick and scooter share a look.

"What about Adam?" Scooter says, making Mikaela roll her eyes.

"He literally said the only reason she asked me was cause he knew the whole team was asked." Mikaela mutters as she opens the stuff to make a cake.

"We're making the Ducks pay for the dinner but we told them we'll pay so like." Rick says as Mikaela's mouth forms an o shape.

"Wait, that's good, are you leaving Adam or what." Mikaela mutters, kinda forgetting about the Soccer team.

"Well we're gonna force him to come, he won't know till we leave." Cole says while Mikaela tells him to preheat the oven.

"Well that's gonna start drama I can't wait to watch.'' Mikaela says with a smile as all the boys roll their eyes, grateful that she kinda forgot about the soccer team cause they just assumed they would leave all of them there.

When the bell rings indicating the end of last hour Mikaela starts putting the cake in the oven and yells at the boys to start getting out the things to frost the cake.

Meanwhile the soccer team started to worry not knowing where Caitlin was.

"The one day we don't have practice and no one knows where Caitlin went off to." Stephani mutters annoyed.

"Hour just mad cause Caitlin is your partner in crime when Mikaela is busy." Lexi says making Stephani stick her tongue out at her.

"Why's she even baking a cake she says ice cream is her favorite dessert." Stephani says as all the girls shrug her shoulders.

"We shouldn't be worrying about Mikaela's favorite dessert, we should be trying to find Caitlin." Andrea says annoyed with the girls.

"Wait, you can't find Caitlin?" they hear an all too familiar voice.

As they face Charlie they see Kenny next to him sharing a look they all know that they need to steal Kenny from Charlie.

"That's right and Kenny here is gonna help us find her." Jessie says as Stephani grabs the boy's arm and yanks him over to where they are.

"I'll catch up with you later." Kenny mutters towards the blonde.

"Yah yah whatever." Charlie says turning around and walking the other way deep in thought about where Mikaela could be.

I mean after all she's always with them if not where else would she be?

As Andrea explains the situation to Kenny he starts to think about where she could be until he remembers that she's told him that when she's nervous she camps out in the art room.

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