𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝖲𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇

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Getting back from Chipotle they notice how it's already around dinner time.

"Guess we were there longer than expected." Scooter says as they walk into the building only to see an angry looking Rick.

"I'd like my car keys back." Rick says, holding out his hand to get his keys back.

"Hey, you were asleep when we wanted to go out , your car isn't damaged or scratched." Jessie says, making Rick roll his eyes.

"So it's still my car. I worked hard for that thing.'' Rick says clearly annoyed as scooter gives him his keys back.

"Yah yah, it's your precious baby we get it." Scooter says mocking the boy making Jessie laugh only to receive a glare from rick.

"Hey where did you two go?" Lexi says as she comes up behind rick.

"We went to get lunch and then lost track of time and now Mr.Rick is mad cause we took his car." Jessie says as Lexi lets out a chuckle.

"Rick was freaking out when I stopped by his dorm for homework answers cause he thought his car was stolen and didn't see the note you left." Lexi says as both Jessie and scooter start to laugh.

"Hey, I thought Stephani stole it after Mikaela came to take her subway cookie Scooter got her." Rick says as Lexi rolls her eyes.

"She doesn't even have her permit. I don't get why that was the first thing your mind went to." Jessie mutters only to make Rick roll his eyes.

"Well I heard the other day Caitlin and Stephani talking about how they were gonna steal my car or did Mikaela tell me that? I have no idea but I do know it happened." Rick says as they get to his and scooters dorm.

"I'm sure they were only joking.... I hope." Lexi says never knowing if Stephani and Caitlin were joking about it.

"They both know better than to steal your car. I'm sure Mikaela has warned them not to even think about taking your car." Scooter says as Rick just nods his head.

"Yah good point." Rick says as the girls say bye to the boys and head off to their own dorm.

As the two girls get to the hallway with their dorm they notice both Kenny and Guy at Caitlin and Andrea's dorm.

"Guys don't forget protection." Lexi says as Jessie coughs trying to hide her laugh.

"lexi fuck off." guy says as caitlin opens the door confused only hearing guy say fuck off.

"Caitlin, make sure you use protection." Lexi says only to make Caitlin flip her off.

"Shut up." Caitlin shouts as Jessie walks back out of her dorm room after entering it and throwing two condoms at the three at the door.

"Wait, why do you have condoms?" Caitlin says, kinda scared.

"Hey, when you're a senior you never know." Jessie says shrugging her shoulders as Caitlin makes both boys enter their dorm room.

"God, are they worried about us? They should be worrying about Luis and Stephani we know damn well there both horny as fuck." Caitlin says, making Andrea look at her confused.

"Jessie threw condoms at us." Guy says as Andrea rolls her eyes.

"Of course she did but I could care less. We need to figure out what movie we should watch." Andrea says as Guy goes over to Andrea's bed.

"Oh let me move some of my sharks." Andrea says as she takes her sharks and sets them on the floor making sure they were facing the tv.

"Yah, me and Andrea are too indecisive to choose a movie but we came down to two movies." Caitlin says as both Kenny and Guy share a look.

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