Chapter 71

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Blair sat in silence next to Jason on the couch, the sounds of hundreds of conversations happening around her

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Blair sat in silence next to Jason on the couch, the sounds of hundreds of conversations happening around her. Every moment since she had gotten the news about Jim Gordon had been thrown together into one big blur. She barely even remembered the funeral service the hour before. Now, she was sitting in the middle of the reception at Wayne Manor, not even speaking to Jason sitting next to her.

Two people passed by, one sitting down on Blair's other side, while the other handed her a glass of water. Blair took it, looking up to see Lena sitting down in the chair closest to the couch. She didn't even have to look to see who the blonde was sitting next to her, "It's important for you to stay hydrated."

"Thank you." She took a small sip, Jason lightly rubbing her back. Kara and Lena had flown in from National City the minute they had heard the news, helping her and Barbara put together the services and make calls.

In all that time, Blair hadn't cried, hadn't even focused on her own feelings, she just kept an eye on Barbara and checked in on the people her uncle was closest to. Kara and Lena both had tried to talking to her, tried getting her to open up, but had zero luck. They were worried, and with Jason next to her at all times, they weren't the only ones.

"Barbara shouldn't be handling everyone on her own." She said suddenly, putting the glass of water on the coffee table in front of her. "He was her dad, she should be the one allowed to hide away and mourn, not me."

Kara glanced over at Lena and over at Jason before looking at Blair in concern, "That's not how it works, Blair."

Blair ignored her, leaving the safety of her small support group to find Barbara. She didn't have to walk far, seeing her cousin by the window with one of the cops she vaguely remembered giving her uncle hell for working with vigilantes. The amount of headaches Gordon had because of him refusing to aid her and Batman was insane.

"Your father was a great man and an even better cop." He was saying as she got closer. Of course he was. "You should be proud." He looked over at Blair, standing up straight as she came to a stop next to Barbara. "Ah, Blair." He greeted. "I was just telling Barbara—"

"I heard." She interrupted him, not wanting to hear a repeat of the same thing everyone had been saying since the news had broken. Somehow, that's all anyone could ever say. It was frustrating. She was tired of it. "Great man and even better cop. He was an even better father."

"I bet he was." He tried, giving her an apologetic smile. Blair crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. She was tired of the compliments on Gordon's job. None of that mattered to her and she was one hundred percent certain it didn't matter to Barbara either. They lost more than just a cop. They had lost a father. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

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