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It has been brought to my attention that this story is being pretty much word for word being copied into another fic, the only change being Blair's name. I just want to say, this is MY story. The things happening in it, they are WAY TOO PERSONAL to ME. Not only are you stealing my story, you're violating MY life. Blair's (or Madison/Bluejay as she is in this other fic) issues are MY issues. The fact that someone would do this after I had already come clean about it a few chapters back SERIOUSLY HURTS. I'm actually crying as I write this. I didn't think I would have to. I trusted all of you reading this to understand that this is personal and near and dear to my heart. I feel so violated, so hurt, I just have no idea what else to say. Just, if you care at all, think about this. Because it hurts. It hurts me.

I'm planning on continuing this fic, I was even going to publish a chapter tonight, but right now I'm just trying to find a way to stop hurting over this. It may be just a silly fanfic or not that serious to you, but it's serious to me. It's everything to me.

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