Chapter 40

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Blair was staring at her reflection in the mirror, adjusting the straps of her dress, sighing when a strand of hair landed in her eyes

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Blair was staring at her reflection in the mirror, adjusting the straps of her dress, sighing when a strand of hair landed in her eyes. She was supposed to be at a fundraising event to advocate for cleaner energy, but it was basically just an excuse for Gotham's elite to throw money around and get dressed up. She was pretty sure the only people who actually cared about what the event was really for was her and her friends. It was basically just a ball, though she didn't tell Jason that.

"Geez Blair, how much longer is this gonna take?" Kate's bored and impatient voice came from her bedroom. Usually, Kate was getting ready at her own apartment with Mary, but she had shown up over three hours ago at the front door with her change of clothes in hand. Blair suspected it was because she had both left her suit in the Batcave again and because she wanted to make sure that Blair was still doing okay from last month's adventure.

"You have it easy! You get to wear a damn power suit!" Blair called from the bathroom, both amused at Kate's impatience and a little envious of the fact that she wasn't going to be wearing a dress. "I can't pull that off so I have to wear a dress and heels and makeup and do my hair and—"

"Okay, I get it. You don't have the range for the suit." Kate laughed, much to Blair's dismay.

"Kate, I love you, but shut up." Kate had just enough time to duck as a hairbrush was thrown at her head.

Laughing, Kate picked it up, twisting it around in her hands. "Fine, fine, subject change. How does Jason look in his tux?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in it yet." She admitted, picking up the necklace given to her by her mother when she was younger, looping it around her neck. She traced the shooting star fondly, remembering her mother's words when she gave it to her late on her eighth birthday after everyone had left, "Your father calls you his moon and stars, but you'll always be my shooting star, my favorite wish come true." She hoped both her mother and father would be proud of her.

"You've never seen him wear one before?" Kate's voice brought her back to the present, her thoughts shifting to Jason getting ready across the hall.

"When and where would I have seen Jason Todd wear a tux?" Blair asked amused. The fanciest thing she saw him wear was a leather jacket when he went to dinner with her and her uncle last week.

"I don't know, I figured since you guys are joined at the hip nowadays that you went with him to try it on."

"No, he went with Matty and his older brother Ben when I went with Jules to try on dresses." Blair had chosen her dark wine red dress in five minutes, while Jules complained about how tired she was of all the dresses being pink. She had finally settled on a dark navy number before casting a hateful glare at the mess of pink dresses she left behind.

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