Chapter 63

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jason asked her as they stood in the elevator to the apartment

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jason asked her as they stood in the elevator to the apartment. The minute they had left Milwaukee, Blair started driving back to Chicago. Not only had she left her duffel bag in the back of the minivan, but she had two people to apologize to.

"It's only fair that they know." She sighed, twisting her ring anxiously around on her finger. "I don't want to just up and leave them."

Jason nodded in understanding, "Okay. It's your call."

Blair stepped forward as the elevator doors opened, seeing Kory a few feet down the hallway, her phone to her ear. She looked up as Blair and Jason got closer, holding up a finger as she spoke into the phone, "I'll call you back."

Kory hung up the phone, meeting them halfway. "Hey, what happened?" She asked quietly, the majority of her attention on Blair. "Dick said that the two of you were going home to Gotham."

"We are." She nodded, brushing her hair back behind her ear, looking over her shoulder at the light flashing from the living room TV. "I just came back to get my bag out of the van... and tell Rachel and Gar that I'm leaving. I didn't want them to think I just left without thinking about them."

Kory blinked, crossing her arms, "Wow, that's a new one. I don't think anyone's ever stopped to explain anything to these kids."

"Yeah well, they're my friends." Blair shrugged, pulling at her sleeves. "I care about them."

Kory studied her for a second, taking a step back to allow her to move, "They're watching TV in the living room." Blair nodded, taking a deep breath before walking down the hallway. Jason started to follow her when Kory threw her arm out to stop him, shaking her head. "I think it's best if she talks to them alone. They trust her and if you're there, they won't understand as easily."

Blair looked over her shoulder, flashing what she hoped was a reassuring smile as Jason leaned against the wall across from Kory. She didn't feel so reassuring, in fact, she felt like she was letting down people that she really cared about. But the more she thought about it, the more she realized it was the only right thing to do.

Rachel looked up from the TV first when she entered the room, jumping over Gar to give her a tight hug, "You're back!"

She hugged the purple-haired girl back as Gar bounced over to them, joining in on the hug. When they pulled away, Gar glanced over her shoulder at the dark hallway, "Where's Dick? And Jason?"

"Jason's in the hallway with Kory. He hung back so I could talk to you guys." She explained, resisting the urge to play with her ring. She had to keep herself, her emotions calm. If she seemed on edge and nervous, they wouldn't listen to what she had to say and she wouldn't blame them. "We came back without Dick."

Rachel's eyes widened, "Is he not-"

"No, no. He's coming back, don't worry." Blair assured her, watching as both of them visibly relaxed, feeling awful for what she had to say next. "But I'm going back home."

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now