Chapter 24

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Blair sat upside down on the couch, a book in her hand

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Blair sat upside down on the couch, a book in her hand. It had been a week since her and Jason had gone to help take care of Zoe Lawton and they still hadn't gone out on patrol. Bruce had told Jason when she would be allowed to go out, but he still hadn't told her. She had tried everything to get him to tell her when that would be, even snuck him a beer out of the fridge, but he still kept it to himself. She was starting to go crazy.

The doorbell rang once, then rang again, then rang once more before Blair flipped off the couch, "I'll get it!"

Blair opened the door to see Jules Myers on the other side, a huge smile on her face, "Hi!"

"Shit Jules, you finally have time in your busy schedule for me? I'm touched!" Blair joked, placing a hand to her heart in a mocking gesture.

"Shut up, mom has had me running all over the country doing press for the company." She retorted, removing her sunglasses from her eyes to show that she was rolling her eyes. "If I could just hang out in the attic here instead of doing that, I would."

"Well get inside, it looks like it's about to rain." Blair opened the door further, letting Jules walk in.

"So I heard Wayne took in a new ward." Jules started, giving Blair an excited look. "I mean, it's weird seeing as he took him in a week after you moved in, but I guess when Dick moved out it was what? Empty nest syndrome?"

Blair started laughing, seeing as Jules wasn't that far off, "Did you come by to get a look at him or what?"

"God, no." She waved her hands, brushing her comment aside. "You know I'm a little occupied."

"Yeah, eyes for no one but Matty Truman. I'm aware." Blair sat back down on the couch, looking up at her. "How is he by the way?"

"He's great, and Amoreena said that she saw him looking at rings!" Jules squealed, dancing on her feet.

Blair hid a laugh at how when she moved, she jingled due to her jewelry and charms on her purse. "Wow, Jules that's great!"

Jules gave her a knowing look, "Great buuuutttt..."

"I don't know, it seems like it's a little fast if you ask me." Not just that, but when did all of her friends start moving forward in their lives? Jules with Matty, Kate running a real estate company under the Wayne name, Dick a detective in Detroit. She suddenly felt left behind in the past.

"And I am asking you." Jules nodded, sitting down on the coffee table across from her.

"Well, it seems fast, but then again you always know exactly what you want and you've been in love with him since we were kids. Even when you dated that jackass, whatshisname." Blair snapped her fingers, trying to think of the name.

"Oh ew, Christian?" Jules mimed throwing up. "Why'd you bring him up?"

"To prove a point!"

"Well, don't do it again."

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