Chapter 30

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"Get up! Get dressed! We are going out tonight!" Jules' energetic voice rang through the room, waking Blair from her much needed sleep

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"Get up! Get dressed! We are going out tonight!" Jules' energetic voice rang through the room, waking Blair from her much needed sleep. Without so much as opening her eyes, Blair groaned loudly, grabbing one of her nearby pillows before chucking it directly at Jules' head. "First of all, that was rude as hell you bitch. Second of all, come on! It's your birthday celebration, paid for by me!"

Blair lifted her tired head from her pillows, hair in her eyes, "Jules, I don't want to go out. The last time we went out, it was all over the magazines and newspapers."

"Jason's coming." She said suggestively, standing over the foot of Blair's bed, giving her a pleading look.

Of course he was going. He had been trying to get her to go all week. "And?"

"And don't give me that 'I don't care' BS. You definitely have a thing for him." Jules crossed her arms, causing Blair to fall back in her bed, pulling the covers over her head. It was way too early in the morning for this.

Jules yanked back the sheets while Blair whined, "I do not have a thing for him! Go away and let me sleep, you bitch. There, you can give me that for my birthday."

"Nice try, but not gonna happen. Come on, get up." Jules demanded, hitting Blair with the pillow that she had thrown at her before.

Blair buried her face in her pillows, kicking her legs at Jules who was trying to pull her out of bed. She heard the door open before the side of her bed dipped indicating someone laying next to her. Jason laughed, presumably at something Jules had muttered before propping his head up on his hand, "Morning, birthday girl."

Blair groaned, rolling over to face him, "My birthday isn't until tomorrow genius. And I can't believe you are going along with this."

"Don't worry about it, I'll sneak you out the back." He promised, smiling at her pouty face. "Also, I need to get you something for your birthday."

"I already told you, I don't need anything." Blair protested, not wanting him to get her anything, especially seeing as what she had given him for his birthday was a bitchy attitude.

When she had found out that Jason's birthday had been the day before he had come to live with them, she had felt so guilty about the way she had acted that she ended up helping him break into the liquor in the wine cellar. Alfred found them with a bottle of Bruce's old Scotch, promising not to tell if they cleaned the entire kitchen. While they were washing dishes, he asked what she wanted for her birthday and she said nothing. After all, she couldn't ask him to bring back Dick and the Titans, could she?

"Relax, I'll get you something cheap or free." He waved her off while Jules rolled her eyes at the foot of the bed. "That way it's like I technically got you nothing."

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