Chapter 22

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Blair was sitting in the living room with Jason, watching Friends on the TV

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Blair was sitting in the living room with Jason, watching Friends on the TV. It had been three days since her drug-fueled nightmare and she still wasn't sleeping right. Not only was she not sleeping, she was also not talking, not bothering to fight Bruce on his "no training, no patrol" demand of her. The only person who had been able to get a word out of her since then was Jason. At least she could still clap to the theme song, keep some sense of normalcy going.

She shifted her body, laying her head in his lap, eyes still on the TV screen. She was tired, all of her restless nights from the last few weeks catching up with her. Jason looked down at her in concern, "Hey, you okay, B?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired, I just want to lay here if that's okay with you." Blair replied, stifling a yawn.

"Yeah, yeah that's fine." He agreed, letting his arm fall around her torso. As long as she got some rest, he didn't care if it was in his own bed. He had slept on her little couch at the foot of her bed the night of her nightmare and phone call with Dick, hearing her sniffle every so often, thinking he was asleep.

Blair closed her eyes, surprised to find that she was at peace. Every other time she had tried to sleep that week, she had flashes of her nightmare, scaring her awake. Within minutes, she was asleep.


Around the third episode of Friends, Jason noticed Blair was fast asleep, turning over to snuggle closer to him. It was the first time he had seen her so peaceful and calm since she had been knocked out after Bruce had injected her with an antidote. It was nice.

The doorbell rang, breaking Jason's concentration. He looked at Blair's sleeping face, surprised the noise hadn't woken her up. She must have been really tired if she slept through that. He heard the door close, the sound of Alfred's voice mixing with what sounded like a woman's.

Sure enough, a woman with short hair and tattoos that covered her arms and part of her neck walked into the living room. She turned her head to see Blair's sleeping face, a smile forming on her lips, "How long has she been out?"

"I'm not sure, who are you?"

"Right, we haven't met. I'm Kate, Kate Kane." She introduced herself, sitting in the chair next to the couch. "A trick to knowing if she's awake or not is if she's clapped along to the theme song. It doesn't matter how many episodes she watches, she will always clap to the theme song."

Jason counted the episodes that had passed since she stopped clapping, "Then I guess she's been asleep for the past hour."

Kate nodded, looking up at the episode playing on the TV, "You might want to wake her up, this is the episode of the Mondler proposal and it's her favorite one. She'll kill you if she misses it."

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