Chapter 21

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Blair woke up in her bed, her entire body aching like she had just run a marathon throughout the whole country

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Blair woke up in her bed, her entire body aching like she had just run a marathon throughout the whole country. When she looked down at her clothes, she was surprised to see that she was in Dick's old Led Zepplin tee and sweatpants. She could've sworn she had been wearing her suit earlier. She looked to the side, her head feeling heavier than usual, seeing Jason passed out in a chair by the bed.

"Jason?" She called out, startled when her voice came out sounding like a strangled cat's.

At the sound of his name being called, Jason jerked awake, looking over at her in concern, "Hey, hey, are you okay?"

The question should have been simple enough for her to answer, but somehow it wasn't. Her body was in pain, her head hurt, and she was scared. She didn't know why she was scared, but she was. "I don't know, how did I— did you— who— how—"

"Do you remember anything at all?" He asked softly, worry filling his eyes.

Flashes of the nightmare flash before her eyes, TwoFace chasing after her, Dick leaving her, Garth. Before she realized what was happening, she started to hyperventilate, her breaths not coming to her fast enough.

Jason launched himself from his chair, crouching beside her bed, "Blair, Blair, breathe! Hey, look at me, it's okay, you're okay. No one is gonna hurt you."

"They all died, they all died and I couldn't help them. Dick left me to die." She choked out, tears stinging her eyes. "It's my fault they didn't last, it's my fault. I couldn't save them."

Jason shook his head, "The drug messed with your head, made you see shit that wasn't true, made you do things—"

"Do things? I did things? Oh my God, I didn't hurt anyone did I?" She exclaimed, thinking about Alfred and Bruce. If she had hurt one of them there was no way she could live with that guilt.

"Uhh, no but Blair, you tried to kill yourself." He said softly.

Blair froze, tearing her eyes away from his face to glance out the window. The stars glistened brightly in the night sky, the moon shining as if nothing was wrong. Usually it brought her peace of mind to see the night sky, but after the events of the night, nothing was calming her down fast enough.

"You don't have to talk to me about it, but I'm also starting to think you didn't freeze when TwoFace pulled that gun on you a while back." Jason continued quietly. It was something that he had thought about for a while. Blair had a death wish, one that she was trying to fulfill out in the field. It was dangerous.

"This is all my fault." Blair whispered, covering her face with her hands.

"Why the hell would you think any of this shit is your fault?" Jason exclaimed. He didn't think she would actually start talking about it right then, but he supposed that with everything she went through, it made sense. "You didn't ask Crane to drug you, you didn't ask for any of this shit."

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now