Chapter 8

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Blair stands with Jason in the center of the mat, knives in hand

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Blair stands with Jason in the center of the mat, knives in hand. The two had been training hand to hand for the past two weeks, Jason immensely improving. As a result, Blair decided it was time for weapons training.

"Do you really have to use your knives?" Jason asked, slowly backing up as Blair turned to face him.

"How else are you going to learn? The plastic knives from cafeterias?" Blair scoffed. "Wait, no, those are still dangerous."

"They are plastic." Jason argued, crossing his arms. Blair raised her eyebrows, amused at his stubbornness.

"Do you want me to test one out on you?" Jason rolled his eyes as Blair walked over to the Robin suit. Jason watched as she removed the R from the breast plate.

"Did you just break my suit?" He exclaimed, eyes on the metal R in Blair's hand. Blair turned around, rolling her eyes at Jason's bewildered look.

"It isn't your suit yet and no, I didn't. This is Robin's version of the batarang. They're like throwing stars instead. He used to have ones shaped like a bird but—"

"The R's are pointier?" Jason asked, meeting Blair halfway on the mat, tapping the edge of the R. Blair looked up at the boy in front of her, taking in his intrigued face.

"No, Bruce just got tired of us calling them Wing-Dings." Jason burst into loud laughter. Blair tried hiding her smile, failing as a small laugh escaped her lips. Jason was too busy laughing at the ridiculous name to notice.


"Shut up, Todd," Blair breathed, managing to get control of her senses. His laughter continued to threaten her resolve. She found his laughter extremely contagious. "When Dick got older, the suit design changed. By the time I was in the field, so did the names for our weapons."

"Let me guess, you called yours Moon Dooms for a while?" Jason snickered.

"Shut up."

Jason gasped loudly, a look of triumph on his face, "You did!"

"The names aren't important—"

"Oh, I beg to differ Moon Doom. Did you have names for your knives too? Stabby-Dabbies? Pokey- Dokies?" Jason laughed harder. Blair crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at Jason's teasing, trying hard not to smile.

"Actually, I named them Blazer and Chaos, but hey, who really cares about the names?"

Jason stopped laughing, looking at the knives in Blair's hands, "And that is a lot better than what I was thinking."

Blair smirked, walking over to the computer, hitting a few of the controls to shine the lights on the targets in the corner, "First, I'm going to show you what I know. Then I want you to repeat what I do with your R's, got it?"

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now