Chapter 1.2

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Fear. Screams of agonizing despair. The pleading cries for it all to come to an end, the broken sobs of men begging for death. And there, in the center of it all, controlling every bit of pain, there was Blair. She could feel it all, every scream, every fear, they all blended together to the point where she couldn't tell where they ended and she began. She couldn't tell if the screams were theirs or hers.

The question was answered as she jolted awake, a scream that was more of yell ripping through the silence of her empty room in Titans Tower. Blair put a hand to her chest, trying to calm her heavy breathing and rapidly beating heart as she focused on her surroundings. She had fallen asleep on her small couch against the wall nearest to the windows.

Scattered in somewhat chaotic piles around the room were the boxes Alfred had sent over of her things from Gotham. One pile was clothes, one was books, and another was random things he felt she'd miss during her time away. She'd opened just one of those boxes, only to pull out the photograph of her and her mother dancing in the kitchen. Other than that, most of the boxes had remained untouched. They had been sitting there that way for almost two weeks.

She was safe. She was home. It was just a dream. It was over.

Thundering of footsteps echoed down the hallway as Gar rushed into the room, eyes darting everywhere, "What happened? Did you yell?"

Blair sat up, rubbing her eyes, "What?"

"I heard a yell from down the hall." He said, stepping further into the room. "I thought it was you."

"Oh that." She cleared her throat and forced a smile. "Yeah, yeah. I thought I saw a spider. Just dust though." Gar studied her closely, like he could tell she was lying. Luckily, he hadn't known her long enough to pick up on those tells just yet. "Seriously, I'm fine. Where is everyone?" The Tower was suspiciously quiet for the time of day. It was never this quiet.

Gar plopped down on the couch next to her, leaning his head back against the cushions, "Jason took Popchik on a walk and Rachel went with Dick to pick up some pizza." Blair nodded, running a hand through her hair. At least she knew why her dog wasn't sitting at her feet. "You plan on hanging those up?"

Blair followed his gaze to the boxes of lights stacked on her bookshelves, waiting to be opened, just like every other box in her room. "Yeah, eventually."

"You got them a week ago."

"I know."

Gar stood up, grabbing one of the boxes off the shelf, "You know, when I first moved in with the Chief and everyone at the Caulder place, I didn't want to put anything up either."

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