Author's Note (Don't Skip)

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Hi all,
This probably won't be up for very long, but I had to make some things VERY clear:

1.) Blair's story does not revolve around Jason and Jason only. This character was created way before I knew Jason Todd even existed (I made her up when I was 5) and has a storyline outside of him and that relationship.

2.) Blair has depression, anxiety, ptsd, abandonment issues, not to mention she can be borderline suicidal. While her actions may be confusing to you (which I totally get) they are coming from a place of trauma.

3.) If you can't find sympathy for Blair with everything she's gone through, but can find sympathy for the men in her life, this story is not for you.

4.) Blair pulled herself out of that dark place she was in in the beginning of this fic. Jason was there and helped, but we can't credit him for the whole thing. It's super important to me as a person with anxiety and depression that that distinction is made, especially as I'm not exactly fortunate enough to have someone pulling me out of my dark places, all I have is myself.

5.) Commenting rude shit is unacceptable. I can accept criticism, I can understand your frustrations on certain storylines, but there's a difference between giving feedback and criticism and being outright rude. If you're so "PISSED OFF AND BORED" just don't read the story. There's no need to be rude about it.

Overall, just don't be so rude. Don't be an asshole. I actually work hard on this fic, I put effort and time into it. Blair's backstory and her life in general are super important to me. If you don't understand why something is happening in the fic, you can ask and I'll be happy to explain it, but you don't have to be mean and harsh for no reason.

That's all. Thank you.

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now