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It was the first night Blair Wilde had taken off in a while, she didn't quite know what she felt like doing

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It was the first night Blair Wilde had taken off in a while, she didn't quite know what she felt like doing. Usually if she had a night off from being Knight Wolf, her best friend had the same night off, but this was not one of those nights.

Instead of going out, Blair stayed in, surrounded by different books on different subjects and movies of every single genre. This was something she usually did during the day when she was awake, she studied literature and different theories of psychology. She took online classes at Gotham University in order to take them at her own pace. She was already over halfway done with her first year.

She was in the middle of reading The Scarlet Letter when a knock sounded at her front door. She glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, the time reading 1:15 AM. Out of precaution, she grabbed the knife next to the clock. In this city, with her job, with her uncle's job it was never a bad thing to be too cautious.

Blair opened the door, revealing her best friend Dick Grayson, still in his Robin suit. She cocked an amused and confused eyebrow.

"You are so lucky my uncle isn't here Grayson. My window is there for a reason-- are you okay?" She asked, shutting the door as he made his way into the light. There was blood on his face and some on his suit.

"Do you have something I can change into?" He avoided her question, taking off his mask. There were a couple bruises forming, but nothing too major that explained the blood all over him.

"Yeah, you can borrow some of my uncle's." Blair nodded, crossing her arms. "What happened?"

"Just-- clothes first, please." Blair pursed her lips, nodding. She took Dick's hand, leading him upstairs and shoving him in her room while she went through the drawers in her uncle's bedroom.

"Here's what I found," Blair spoke, entering her room and shoving the clothes at Dick. "Get changed, then we need to talk."

Dick nods, leaving the room to enter her bathroom to change. Blair gathered up all of the books and movies on her bed, placing them on her dresser. Whatever had happened with Dick was more important to her than getting through an old book. She sat cross-legged on her bed at the exact moment Dick came back in, his suit slung over his arms.

"Do you have your case?" Blair questioned first. She had no idea how long Dick was planning on staying, but she did not want her uncle to come in and see a Robin suit slung over her desk chair.

"Out in the car." Blair got up from her place on her bed, looking out of the window to see the Porsche parked across the street. The sight confused her. She expected to see his bike, the one that almost matched hers at the Cave; when he was working, he always drove the bike. Plus the Porsche was known to be his around town.

"You drove here in your car? In your suit?" Blair turned away from the window facing Dick. "What did Bruce have to say about that?"

"He wasn't there when I got the car." Dick answered, sitting down on her bed.

"What? You didn't bother changing when you were there?" Blair crossed her arms in indignation. "Someone could have seen you Dick."

"No one saw me Blair," He argued. Blair raised her eyebrows.

"You can't be sure of that. What's going on with you? You're being so careless!" Dick was silent as Blair sat down on the bed next to him. "Talk to me Dick. I can't help you if you don't let me."

"I killed the man that killed my parents." Blair sat up straighter in shock of what she just heard. There was no way Dick had killed a man. She didn't think he had it in him, not in cold blood. Some could argue that it was justified, he killed a man that had killed his family, there was nothing wrong with that. Blair was taught different, so was he.

"What do you mean you killed the man that killed your family?" There had to be a better explanation for that. He probably just worded his words weird.

"I followed the transport that was moving him to the safe house," He started to explain. Blair's eyes widened, he sounded just like the hijackers the had stopped last month. "The Maroni's showed up and I didn't stop them. He asked for my help and I just let them kill him."

"That doesn't mean you killed him Dick. You were just hurting and grieving over the fact that they let that man free. Even my uncle hated the idea." Blair assured him. Dick shook his head quickly in protest.

"Even you saved Two-Face from being an splat on the street after what he did to your parents. You didn't let him fall to his death." Blair looked down at her hands, the thought had crossed her mind at the time. "Sure, it crossed your mind, but you didn't let him die. I did."

Blair was silent, not really sure what she should say at this point. Really, what should someone say in a moment like this?

"I need out of here, out of Gotham." He said suddenly. "Why don't you come with me?"

Blair stared at Dick in shock. He had talked to her about leaving the town before, but she never thought he actually would. Every time they had talked about it, she would agree, Gotham was like a smoke-filled cage. There was something else out there and she knew it, yet she couldn't leave. They needed her.

"I can't leave Uncle Jim here in this city by himself. I can't leave Bruce to protect the city alone either Dick." Blair protested.

"This city isn't good or safe for you," Dick argued. "You barely made it to 19, Blair. I want you to make it to 20 and beyond."

"I can protect myself Dick. You know this." Blair shot back.

"Being Knight Wolf is what you need protecting from." He muttered.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Blair raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms in further protest.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. Look, I'm getting out of here and I want you to come with me." Silence fell over the two of them again, the only sound was the sound of the rain outside. Blair glanced at the picture of her and Dick at her graduation from Gotham Academy, realizing what she had to say. Reaching over, Blair took Dick's hands in hers despite the size difference.

"I love you, you know that. You're my best friend, practically my older brother, if you need to get out of this city, I won't stop you. You need to do what's best for you, but I am not going with you. This city needs protection and I'm going to do the best I can to provide it. Do you understand me? It's my job, my purpose." Dick looks at the young girl, nodding slowly and pulling her in for a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"Well, since there is no convincing you, I want you to promise me that you'll be careful." Blair opens her mouth to protest as Dick cuts her off. "Promise me, Blair."

"Yeah, yes, sure. I promise I'll be as careful as I can be." She promised. Dick pulled her in for another hug, glancing at the clock, now reading 2:10 AM.

"Get some sleep. I'll stay here tonight with you until Jim gets home." Blair nodded, laying down as Dick left to get some blankets from the living room to sleep on her floor. Blair turned over in her bed, away from the door, wiping a tear from her eyes. She was really going to miss him, he was her best friend. What exactly was she going to do without him? What was Bruce going to do? What was Batman and Knight Wolf without Robin? What was her life without Dick Grayson?

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