Chapter 37

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*trigger warning: depictions of physical abuse*

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*trigger warning: depictions of physical abuse*

Blair glared up at Two-Face as he untied the gag from her mouth. He glared right back as he placed the gun to her forehead, "Beg."

She ignored his demand, staring straight past him to the window that overlooked the city. She was aware of the camera pointed at her, still rolling and showing the world her torture. At this point, all she could do was hope that Bruce would come and save her seeing as she was too bound to save herself.

Her silence irritated Two-Face to no end as he growled in her ear, "Now you choose to shut up? I said, beg!" On the last word, he struck her hard with the gun, so hard that she saw stars.

Blinking away the stars and the onset of the tears of pain that threatened to follow, Blair lifted her head, staring at the maniac in front of her in clear defiance. A smirk danced on her lips despite the fact that she knew she should stay quiet, "You hit like a little bitch."

"I said beg." He snapped, deciding to use the knife he had pulled on her before, flipping it in his hands. Blair studied it, feeling the cut on her chest sting, the blood from it drying in her shirt.

"I will never, never, beg you for anything." She seethed. "No matter how many times you hit me, no matter how many times you hurt me, I will never lower myself to begging for my life."

Two-Face brought the knife down hard, lodging the blade in her thigh. Blair bit down her tongue to keep from screaming, her canines actually drawing blood as a red stain blossomed on her jeans. "Not even now?" He sneered, slowly ripping the knife out of her thigh as she swallowed the blood in her mouth to keep from screaming.

When she was sure she wouldn't scream when her mouth opened, she lifted her angry gaze to his, baring her teeth as she hissed, "Go fuck yourself, you coward."

Those words earned her a hard punch in the gut, all the oxygen leaving her body as she sucked in a cough threatening to burst free. The pain didn't stop her from making a sarcastic comment, though she kept her head low, "Who taught you how to punch? Your grandmother?"

Instead of responding to her jab, Two-Face turned to face the camera that was still pointed at them, live-streaming to the world her torture and pain, "This is your beloved little princess, Commissioner. In pain yet?"

"Probably from boredom at your overused tactics, you fucking moron." Blair spat, her entire body screaming in pain. She knew that her snarky remarks were going to end her in more agonizing pain than she was already in, but she couldn't help but snap. If she didn't make the comments, if she didn't turn to her sarcastic devises, she would most certainly be a sobbing and fearful mess. And there was no way in all of hell or heaven that she would give Two-Face that satisfaction.

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now