Chapter 46

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Blair kicked high, Bruce just barely ducking in time to avoid being hit

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Blair kicked high, Bruce just barely ducking in time to avoid being hit. She blocked his next hit with her hand, twirling gracefully when he tried to knock her off her balance. The two had been sparring for almost an hour, waiting for Jason to wake up from the nap he had decided to take almost a whole hour after he originally woke up.

Blair had woken up before him, going in to check on him when he didn't come down the stairs at the time he usually did. When she walked into his room, she saw him crawling back under the covers, his hair wet from a shower. When she asked what he was doing, he replied he was going to watch Netflix until it was time to train. She had joined him and after only one episode of Peaky Blinders, he was fast asleep.

Jason walked into the Batcave just as Blair landed a hard punch to Bruce's side. They had agreed on no face hits due to the fact that he had a board meeting to go to the next day. Bruce held his hand up to signal a time out from training as Jason neared the mat. She turned around, jaw dropping when she saw the sweat and dark bags under his eyes. When he sniffled, she noticed his red nose. He definitely wasn't like this when she left him this morning. "Holy shit, what happened to you?"

"What?" His voice came out muffled as he rubbed his nose on his sleeve.

"Jesus Christ, you sound even worse." Blair winced, studying his pale face. In just a few hours, he went from looking like an ordinary tired boy to the walking dead.

She glanced over at Bruce, seeing him doing the same, "Jason, are you feeling okay?"

"I feel great." Jason shrugged, wiping his nose again. Blair raised an eyebrow as he continued, "Fantastic. Never better. I'm at 100% and going strong."

She took a step off the mat, taking off her training gloves before putting the back of her hand against his forehead, "Oh my God, Jay. You're burning up."

Jason weakly swatted her hand away, "I'm fine."

"No, you're not."

"You're sick."

"I am not." He sneezed, followed shortly by a string of curses under his breath.

Blair narrowed her eyes at his stubbornness, "Yes, you are."

"I can still go out tonight."

"No, you can't."

"Blair, I'm fine. Cut it out." He insisted, but just as the words left his mouth, he started coughing.

Blair opened her mouth to say something along the lines of that is complete bullshit when Bruce cut her off, moving to stand next to her, "Blair's right. You're not going anywhere like that."

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now