Chapter 62

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Blair and Jason sat in the car on the side of the road just outside of town, Blair's phone on the GPS on the console between them, waiting for the tracker in Dick's boot to reactivate

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Blair and Jason sat in the car on the side of the road just outside of town, Blair's phone on the GPS on the console between them, waiting for the tracker in Dick's boot to reactivate. They changed into their suits along the way, the only things missing were their masks. Jason cleared his throat, breaking the silence, "So the big secret about why he quit is because he killed someone?"

"No. He didn't kill him." Blair shook her head quickly. She had tried to explain the difference to Dick before, but he didn't listen. Something that had become a habit apparently. "He just didn't save him."

Jason raises an eyebrow when she looked up at him. She let out a sigh, trying to better her explanation while she reached into the backseat to grab her case again, taking out her mask, "There's not much a difference there when you think about it, but it messed him up bad. I mean, he was already messed up before then, something had happened after Garth was killed that he refuses to tell me about." She started putting the paint on her eyes to keep herself busy while she talked. "He regrets everything in his life including becoming Robin. He even regrets me."

"That's not true." Jason said quickly. "I've seen how he is with you, that's not true."

"No, it is." She sighed, putting her mask on and closed the visor mirror. "He wishes that I had never- he wishes that I never put on the mask. He's made that very clear."

"Why?" Jason furrowed his brows in confusion. "He was the one that helped train you right? Why would he not want you to be-"

"He thinks that I'll abuse it. That I'll just go off the rails like he did." She answered before he had a chance to finish his question. Jason kept quiet, as she continued on, "He says I'm better than he is, but he likes to act like I'm going to be worse. He just- he's been through some shit."

Jason opened his mouth to respond, probably to tell her that they all had been through shit, when the phone lit up in between them. Blair looked over at the center console, picking the phone up to focus on the blinking dot with Dick's name on it. She zoomed in on the map, seeing he appeared to be at an abandoned factory just a few miles away.

She started the car, turning the steering wheel abruptly to get back on the highway, "Got him."


Blair and Jason slowly walked through the factory, carefully looking around corners to avoid walking straight into a trap. As always, Blair walked in front, Jason guarding her back as they quietly climbed the metal stairs to get a better vantage point. She heard voices as she neared the ledge, poking her head around the wall to look down, seeing Nick Zucco two levels below her, Dick in his Robin suit on the factory floor, and Clay wrapped in old chains, hanging from the ceiling as what appeared to be acid dripped slowly out of a broken pipe.

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