Chapter 10

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Blair sat across from her uncle in his office, eating a burger from a diner from downtown

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Blair sat across from her uncle in his office, eating a burger from a diner from downtown. It had been a whole week since her fight with Jason, and things hadn't been the same. Sure, they hadn't gotten along well before, but now they didn't speak unless it was Blair telling him how to throw at a moving target.

The mansion was quiet, Blair refusing to talk to Bruce, feeling that if she did, she would explode and wouldn't be able to control herself. Every so often, she'd catch him looking at her in concern before he'd look away.

Patrols were no different. Blair would take one side of the city, and Bruce would take the other. She usually ended up at home before he called it a night, meaning she didn't see him again until the next afternoon. Poor Alfred was just doing his best to keep the tension at bay.

As a result of not wanting to stay at the mansion any longer than she had to, Blair spent most of her time at the police station with Gordon or at Arkham visiting Harley and Johnny. They were the only people she could talk to without feeling like she'd go crazy. Ironically enough, they were also the only people that had no idea who she really was.

"For someone who doesn't like the office part of his job, I always find myself in here." Blair pointed out, dipping her fry into her chocolate milkshake.

Gordon looks at his niece, seeing a small smirk on her face, "I'll get you one of these days, missy."

"With what? Your ketchup packet?" She laughed.

Gordon opened his mouth to respond when the station seemed to come to life with chaotic energy. Blair turned around to look out the office window, hearing the phones ring constantly. A few uniformed officers ran out the door, sirens following shortly after, "Uncle Jim, what the—"

The door to Gordon's office swung open at the same time his phone started to ring. Blair jumped back startled as Harvey Bullock rushed in, "Jim, he's on the loose. Just tried gunning down the mayor after shooting an Arkham guard."

Blair looked between Gordon and Harvey, thanking whatever powers were in play that Johnny wasn't working, "Who? Who tried killing the mayor? Who's on the loose?"

She clutched the edge of her seat with her hands so hard, her knuckles turned white. Deep down, she already knew who had escaped Arkham, the way Harvey and Gordon looked at each other confirmed it. The all too familiar feeling of fear rose in her chest as Harvey hung his head, looking at her in concern, "It's Two-Face, hon. Two-Face is back."


Blair ran into the Batcave, taking the stairs two at a time. Today was Bruce's day off from running the company, therefore he was training Jason in hand-to-hand combat. She was surprised he wasn't at the computer tracking down Harvey Dent, "Bruce! Bruce! Have you gotten the alerts on the computer?!?"

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