Chapter 43

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Blair was running across the rooftops of buildings, using her grappling hook to swing across the gaps in between them, Jason hot on her heels

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Blair was running across the rooftops of buildings, using her grappling hook to swing across the gaps in between them, Jason hot on her heels. She laughed as she landed on the last roof, staring up at the sky as he landed behind her. Her calm moment ended within seconds as Jason tackled her to the ground from behind. She twisted on the ground, coming face to face with the grinning sidekick, "Oh my god, you are a sore loser!"

"Maybe, but you're pinned down so maybe I'm the winner." He laughed, his breath tickling her face. Blair raised an eyebrow, an idea coming to her mind. She leaned her face upward, licking the side of his face. Jason jumped back in surprise while Blair howled in laughter. "Oh my god, Moon Doom! That was fucking gross!"

She laughed even harder, clutching her sides that ached from the action, "It got you off of me, didn't it?"

"You are so going to pay for that!" Jason exclaimed, wiping his cheek with his hand.

Blair grinned, launching herself off the building, landing on a stack of old mattresses. Using the hook had gotten boring, she wanted a thrill; falling off the roof of the apartment building seemed to supply that just fine.

Jason's head peered over the edge, watching her swing herself onto the fire escape on the building across from the mattresses. She was halfway up to the roof when he landed on the mattresses, jumping up and swinging himself onto the fire escape behind her.

Blair pulled herself up to the roof, running to the edge of the roof, ready to launch herself over the edge again, when a hand grabbed hers, yanking her back. She wasn't aware that Jason had managed to catch up to her. She stumbled back as she lost her balance, falling into him which in turn caused him to fall flat on his back.

While Jason fell flat on his back, Blair landed on top of him, her face barely a few inches away from his. "Sorry, but if you weren't such a sore loser this wouldn't have happened."

"I don't know, I still think I'm winning." He grinned up at her, his eyes gleaming mischievously. Blair furrowed her brows in confusion at first, then felt her face get hot when she realized just how close her face was to his. "You're cute when you blush."

Blair rolled off of him, sitting on the ground as he sat up, still laughing at the brief redness of her face. All the blush was gone now, as she shoved the embarrassment aside, "You okay? I think you may have hit your head a little hard there."

Jason opened his mouth to respond, maybe say something witty, something flirty, when a loud yell cut him off. A yell that sounded very familiar, "Is it just me or did that sound like—"

Before he could even finish his thoughts, Blair was already at the edge of the roof, looking down at the alley below. She let out a small gasp, confirming his thoughts aloud, "River?"

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now