Chapter 23

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Blair sat on the Cave floor at the edge of the training mat while Jason and Bruce sparred together

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Blair sat on the Cave floor at the edge of the training mat while Jason and Bruce sparred together. It had been a week since her confrontation with the Scarecrow and Bruce refused to let her train, claiming he wanted her to return to full strength before she even tried. Personally, she thought it was just bullshit.

"Can I please start training again? Or go on patrol? Something?" She whined, watching Jason dodge a hit.

"You need to get your strength back up before I let you out again." Bruce said, supplying the same excuse that he had the last time she whined about wanting to train.

Blair narrowed her eyes, "It's been a week, how am I supposed to get my strength back up if I don't have the chance to train?"

Bruce let his guard down, turning to face Blair. He was about to speak when Jason attacked him from the side, knocking him off balance. Blair bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing as Jason bounced back up on his feet, "Thanks Blair!"

"That was an accident, but you're welcome." She smiled before turning to face Bruce again. "Bruce, come on. I'm fine, I can go out, I can train!"

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm not going out on patrol until you can again." Jason said, shrugging his shoulders. It was true, Bruce told him it was fine if he went out, but he wanted to wait until Blair was allowed to go out too. In hindsight, it was probably better that Blair wasn't left in the house by herself with only Alfred for company. She'd probably explode something in the backyard for kicks.

"It doesn't, but I appreciate the effort." Blair sighed, fixing Bruce with a piercing gaze.

"Blair, you weren't supposed to survive what you went through. The fact that you did means that you're a lot stronger than you think, stronger than any of us in this Cave... except maybe Alfred. He's a mean fighter." Blair cracked a small smile at Bruce's statement. "You'll get back out there soon, I promise. What you did, what happened to you, I'm proud of you."

Jason shifted his gaze from Blair back to Bruce. It had been a week since he had argued with him in Blair's room about telling her how good she was. He hadn't heard him tell her anything, and now he could see why. Blair's jaw dropped. "Wh- you- you're proud of me?"

"Of course. Now I have to go, I have a board meeting to attend. I'll see you before I go out tonight." And with that, Bruce walked out of the Cave to get ready for his meeting. Blair stayed on the floor, her mind still processing what he had just said. It had been years since he told her he was proud of her. She heard things like that all the time, but they didn't mean as much. None of it did, but this time, she actually felt special.

Alfred looked over at the two teens still in the Cave, a smile dancing on his weathered face, "There are some books upstairs that need reorganizing, so if you start training while I'm gone, well, I'll be none the wiser."

Jason nodded, "Thanks, Alfred."

With that, Alfred followed the trail Bruce had just left, leaving the two alone. Jason walked over to Blair, holding out his hand for her to take. She took it, allowing him to pull her off the floor, "Did he just say he was proud of me?"

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