Chapter 68

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Blair swung hard, ignoring the pain in her arm

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Blair swung hard, ignoring the pain in her arm. The best way to manage pain was to work through it, and that's exactly what she planned to do. However, the person she was swinging at, didn't seem to get the memo. Jason caught her fist with his hand before it collided with his face, giving her an amused, lopsided grin, "Someone seems a little angry."

"I'm not angry." She lied, elbowing him in the jaw, just hard enough that he released her fist and stumbled back a few steps. "Yeah, well that love tap you just gave me says otherwise."

Blair rolled her eyes, "We're training. What was I supposed to do?"

Jason shook his head, getting back into a fighting stance, but he didn't let it go, "Want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?"

"Maybe the fact that your cousin was shot at yesterday?" He exclaimed, eyeing the bandage wrapped around her bicep where the bullet had grazed her the day before. "Or the fact that you took the bullet for her?"

Blair dodged one of his punches, blocking another with her forearm, "I didn't take a bullet for her, it grazed my shoulder." She landed a hit to the side of his head, knocking him to the side. "Two different things."

"You jumped in front of her." Jason said, catching her wrist as she went for another swing. "You got hurt. You shouldn't even be training right now."

Blair glared at him, kneeing him in the stomach in retaliation. She was fine, she just wanted to move on. The more she focused on the injury on her arm, the more she had to think about why she had gotten it in the first place; someone was trying to kill Barbara.

"Ow!" Jason groaned, doubling over in pain, shaking his head as he squinted up at her. "That was fucking rude, I was just making an observation."

"Did you observe that I'm obviously fine?" She smirked, stepping back to let him catch his breath. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Totally fine." He breathed, standing up straight. "You have no pent up emotions at all." Blair rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out both in an attempt to lighten the mood and as an apology for the knee to the gut. Jason just shook his head, stretching his arms out, "A child."

Blair smiled, lowering her voice, "No."

Jason stopped stretching, unable to hide a grin, "Had to make it a Vine reference didn't you?"

"This conversation was getting too heavy." She shrugged, nonchalantly. "So yes, I had to make it a Vine reference."

Seeing her momentarily distracted, Jason took the opportunity to spring into action. Before she had a chance to move, Jason had knocked her off of her feet, pinning her down on the ground with a smirk, "You're not on top of your game today, babe."

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now