Chapter 18

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Blair walked through the halls of Arkham, Johnny by her side as she left Harley's room

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Blair walked through the halls of Arkham, Johnny by her side as she left Harley's room. They walked their usual path through the asylum, when her eyes fell on an elevator that they passed every time she was there, never using it. A sickening feeling passed through her as she stared at it, the caution tape ripped off and hanging like old party streamers.

"This building has a basement right?" She asked Johnny, still staring at the closed elevator doors.

"Yeah, but no one ever goes down there." He explained, following her gaze to the closed doors. "From what I've been told, it has been closed off since—"

"Since Jonathan Crane tried to drug the water supply, yeah."

"Exactly. They were supposed to be sealing it off to avoid something like that happening again. Why'd you ask?"

She shook her head, starting to walk again, this time with more purpose in her step, "No reason."


Blair ran up the stairs the minute she got home, throwing open Jason's bedroom door without knocking, her eyes wide with excitement. Jason was sitting on his bed with a laptop open to Netflix, almost falling to the floor when she burst in.

"HEY! What the— wait, what's happened?" He asked, shutting his laptop when he saw the look on her face.

"I know where Crane is. Meet me in the Batcave, now." She ordered, turning on her heel and disappearing into the house, not bothering to wait for him.

Jason didn't waste any time before running out of his room, following her to the Cave. It had been two days since their water fight in the kitchen, a week and a half since they had been kicked off patrol, but the fighting between them had ceased. In fact, just the day before, Blair had sat in his room reading a book while he played Call of Duty. It was the new normal for them somehow. She hadn't talked to him much, but she was around more. He didn't hate it, he actually enjoyed having her around.

Blair sat at the computer, searching through the hundreds of case files to find the old case of Jonathan Crane and the poisoned water supply when Jason came in followed by Bruce.

"What is this about Blair?" Bruce asked, still in his suit that he had worn to a business meeting an hour before.

"I know where Crane is." She replied, her eyes not leaving the screen as she scrolled through the case files.

"You said that earlier, but where is he?" Jason asked, moving to look at the computer screen over Blair's shoulder.

Bruce watched with a raised eyebrow. In just two days, Blair had gone from not speaking to Jason at all to telling him about developments in an ongoing case first. It was a strange thing to see, but not at all unpleasant.

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