Chapter 44

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A month had passed since River had been let in on their night time adventures, a month of him slowly integrating himself into a part of the team

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A month had passed since River had been let in on their night time adventures, a month of him slowly integrating himself into a part of the team. He was the part of the team that cleaned their weapons, that helped Alfred when they came in with injuries. Seeing as he wanted to be a doctor, he was getting hands-on experience in the best way possible.

Jason had finally stopped glaring at River whenever he saw him, when the latter of the two asked to help over the coms. All the progress that the two had made had vanished, leaving Blair sitting on the medical table in exasperation as Alfred nursed her split lip. Jason and River had gotten into a huge argument, one of which Alfred had to pull Jason away from River and drag him upstairs.

When River looked over at her in disbelief, Blair just shrugged and said, "I don't know what you're expecting me to say. Don't egg him on like that."

But that had been two weeks ago. Whatever was happening with Jason now had nothing to do with River. She could always tell the difference.

"Are you okay? You've been weird all week." She asked, sitting on the kitchen counter while Jason stared into the refrigerator.

Weird was an understatement. Every night for the past week, Jason had shown up with bruises and refusing to talk about what happened in the short period of time she had sent him to scout the other side of their part of town. All he would say is that he had fought some druggie or some mugger. The two were interchangeable in his excuses.

"I'm fine." He lied, closing the refrigerator door, still not looking at her. "Just tired."

"Okay, then we should stay in tonight." She suggested, swinging her legs back and forth.

"What?" Jason whirled around at that, finally meeting her eyes for the first time since they had woken up that morning. "Since when does Blair Wilde, the girl who tried sneaking out to fight crime with stab wounds, suggest staying in?"

"When her partner is off his game." She jumped off the counter, crossing her arms studying her nails like it was nothing. "If you're tired, we're staying home. I've been meaning to finish Outlander anyway."

Jason shook his head, "No, I want to go out tonight."

"Then tell me what's going on with you." There it was, the ultimatum. They both knew it was coming, after all, Blair would never had just stayed home for nothing, especially when she knew that he was lying.

"Nothing's going on with me."

Blair took his hand, lacing her fingers through his. Jason relaxed slightly, but tensed up again just as quickly. She sighed, loosening her grip on his hand, but didn't let go. "Jay-"

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now