Chapter 1

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Blair stood on the roof of Wayne Tower, scanning the streets below for trouble

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Blair stood on the roof of Wayne Tower, scanning the streets below for trouble. It had been a pretty quiet night for the most part, just a few petty thieves and drunken idiots. It had been two weeks since Dick had left Gotham and everyone was still adjusting to life without him. Blair was now living at Wayne Manor, telling her uncle that she wanted to make the abrupt transition easier on her godfather. With her being 19, Jim Gordon saw no reason to keep Blair at home forever, after all she still visited him every free moment she had.

She watched as a woman walked the streets followed by a man, "Don't do it. Don't do it you stupid son of a bitch."

The man attacked the woman, dragging her struggling body into the alley next to the tower. Blair prepared herself to jump off the side of the tower, using her grappling hook to gain leverage on the fire escape on the building next door, landing right behind the man. 

"I may not be an expert on this, but when a woman is fighting, I do believe that means she thinks you're shit. Or the devil, whichever fits your personality better." The man turned around, taking a swing at her. She blocked the punch, grabbing the man's wrist, forcefully twisting his arm behind his back and shoving him up against the brick wall, dragging his face along the brick.

"Knight Wolf, you're needed back at the Batcave." Alfred's voice came through the coms in her ear. In a split second, the man got enough strength to back Blair into the tower's wall. Blair lost her grip on the man, falling down to the ground. 

"Not now Alfred, I'm busy." She groaned out, kicking the man hard in the shins, watching him fall down to the pavement. Blair shakily got on her feet, as the man struggled to get on his, kicking him in the side.

"Apparently this is important, Knight Wolf." Alfred tried again. Blair ignored the call, picking up the man by his shirt, punching him in the face. The man fell to the ground, unconscious. Blair stood, wiping the blood of her lip when she noticed the woman still curled in a ball near the dumpster.

"Hey, how bad is it? How bad did he hurt you?" Blair crouched down in front of the woman, speaking softly. The woman moved out from her position allowing Blair to inspect her for any serious injuries. There were a few bruises around her wrist and neck from the man's grip and though Blair couldn't tell right away, she assumed the woman would probably have a concussion from colliding with the wall. Blair glanced over at the man, stirring in his unconscious state.

Taking out the flex-cuffs from her belt, she flipped the man over on his face, cuffing his wrists together. The woman walked slowly over to the man now that he was unable to cause anymore damage. Blair turned to look at the woman, taking out a card and handing it over to her.

"Call this number, it's Detective Harvey Bullock. He'll take care of you. Tell him Knight Wolf sends her regards." The woman nodded her thanks. 

"Knight Wolf, get your ass to the Batcave, something's come up." Bruce's voice came through the coms. She could only assume he had gotten tired of waiting for her to answer Alfred.

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now