💦 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 ~𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚!𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐚~

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Eye Candy

The scent of smoke filled your nose as you placed two drinks on a table where two men were seated at. You doubt they even noticed you, too entertained by the dancers on the stage.

While walking back to the bar to pick up more orders, you look down at your uniform, shaking your head at your bare thighs. The uniform was ridiculous, but your boss urged wearing it for extra cash. And since your bank account was looking empty, you could mind some slightly slutty clothes for cash.

You look back up, glancing around the crowded club. It was an especially busy Saturday night and most of the private rooms and dancers were booked. The bar was filled and you could see the bar tender's stress in his eyes. You made your way over to him, wanting to offer him help, but a hand on your shoulder stopped you from doing so. You turned around and saw your boss, "y/n would you mind serving the gentlemen in room 20? Their dancer hasn't arrived yet and they seem...tense. A drink could do them good" he explained hesitantly, edging you towards the VIP rooms.

With a light sigh you nodded and made your way down the hallway. Room 20 was the most exclusive one, meaning the men in there were either eighty year old sugar daddies that wanted to gawk at women or some kind of dealers. You adjusted your skirt and took a deep breath before pushing open the doors and walking into the grand lounge. There were seven finely dressed men sitting around the hardwood table. They looked like they were apart of the mafia, smoking either blunts or cigars and discussing in low voices. You soundlessly made your way over to them and placed a soft smile on your lips, "Gentlemen, may I get you anything to drink?"

Almost in sync, they all slowly look up at you with intimidating stares. With their strong glares on you, you wanted to leave right then and there, but you kept your posture. One of the men stood out from the others. He looked younger, maybe around 25, the top buttons of his navy coloured shirt open and brown hair slightly slicked back. His green eyes looked up at you and his lips curved into a grin, "are you not the dancer?" That caught you off guard, making you give him a weird yet subtle look, "oh no, I could never. I am just a server here at the club."

You tried to keep composure as the men assessed you, looking at each other as if they couldn't quite believe your words.

"What a shame.." you heard the younger one chuckle, leaning back into his chair and giving you a slow look. You can't lie, he was attractive and around your age. Working in a club, you have met many sexy men and have gone home with some too. But he seemed a bit different. His cocky personality and comments...turned you on more than you wanted. Shaking away any dirty thoughts, you looked between the men, "so..drinks?" you asked them unsurely, not quite knowing what to do in this situation.

One of them fixed his posture, "yes dear, just bring us a bottle of Lagavulin, would you?" He asked with a composed smile. You gave a low nod in response and turned around, slowly walking out of the room. You could feel their stares, feel them look at you from top to bottom. Did you mind this kind of male gaze? Usually you do, but not this time. You actually kind of liked it.


As soon as you walked out of that room and shut the door behind you, you felt like you could breathe again. The heated tension vanishing from the air. You walked through the crowd and back to the bar. The bartender set the bottle and some glasses onto your tray, along with a small bowl filled with various nuts. You carefully picked up the tray and walked back through the hallway, to room 20.

This time the suited men noticed you walking back inside, one of them giving a thankful nod as you placed down a glass in front of everyone. The men kept talking about something business related as you set down the bottle in the middle of the table and the small bowl next to it. With a soft, "enjoy", you made your way to the door.

"Before you leave", a familiar, husky voice said, "I have a question for you doll." You slowly turn back around, walking a but closer to the table again, "yes?" The other men were busy on their phones or talking quietly amongst each other, probably not even realising that you are talking to the brunette.

"Who made you wear that?", he asked, his eyes carefully falling over your outfit. You did not quite expect him to ask that question, "oh uh, my boss insisted for extra tips.."

He made a small hand movement that signalled you to come over to him. You hesitates for a second, shifting in your feet, but obliged. The young one stood up from his chair as you walked over to him, his eyes following you slowly. When you stood in front of you, he slowly leaned down to your ear. You felt his hands go down to your waist, gently moving lower to the hem of your skirt. Your breath hitched, your cheeks flushed with red and you felt your core ache. His hot breath brushed against your ear, "I wouldn't walk around like that if I was you..", he advised with a small smirk. He pulled down your skirt lower, "you're eye candy after all."

He teasingly skimmed his fingers down your ass when he removed his hands and leaned away from your ear. He looked at you, a cocky grin forming on his lips when he saw you so flustered. He took out a small white card and slipped it into your shirt, right between your breast.


You bit down on your lip, contemplating on what to say. "Enjoy your drinks", was all you could think of before turning away from the men. Walking back through the door, you could feel the stare of the green eyed guy. Shit that was attractive, was all you could think about while walking down the hallway. The heated feeling inside of you was still there, taking over your thoughts and filling them with erotic scenarios.

You took out the little paper card that he slipped into your shirt, reading what it said on it:

Too bad we weren't alone..

His number was written on the back of it, along with his signature. Suna Rintaro. You stuffed the card into your pocket and thought of his words.

Next time, we will be...


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