🩹💖(SEVENTEEN) Dino- Sick day

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Request by: TheBoyzalover

Warning: vomit

The members were all hanging out at home in the living room taking a much-deserved day off. It was still early enough in the morning for some of the members to still be sleeping.

After a few hours all the members had joined the living room except for dino.

"hyung? Is dino still sleeping?" seungkwan asked from the couch to s. coups.

"I think so, he hasn't come out yet."

Jeonghan raised his brow as the maknae never slept in this late.

"well, we were planning on going out today, shouldn't we wake him up?"

"yeah, wonwoo do you wanna try and wake him?" s. coups said.

"sure hyung." Wonwoo nodded as he got off the couch. He walked down the hall towards dino's room and knocked softly just in case he had woken up. when he received no answer he opened the door and walked towards the maknae. He sat on the edge of the mattress and immediately got a weird feeling.

He placed his hand softly on dino's back and shook him gently.

"channie? Hey buddy let's wake up now okay?" he spoke sweetly.

Dino let out a groan as he heard wonwoo's voice.

Wonwoo didn't like the way dino sounded he instinctively scooted closer and brought his hand to dino's hair feeling the boy's locks soaked with sweat.

"channie? Honey can you open your eyes for me?"

Dino groaned again before he turned slightly and peeled his eyes open wincing at the bright light above him.

"hyung...it's too bright.." he squeaked throwing his arm over his eyes.

Wonwoo immediately got up and flicked the light off before returning to dino's side sensing something was wrong.

"are you okay channie?"

"I don't know hyung...i...I feel a little icky today..." he said in a raspy voice.

"oh honey, what's bothering you? do you feel sick?"

Dino nodded shivering under his blanket.

"aww bub, I'm sorry, here, can you sit up for me?"

Dino groaned as he let wonwoo sit him up, his skin coated in sweat and goosebumps.

Wonwoo placed the back of his hand to dino's forehead and instantly felt his temperature was higher than normal.

"aish channie you have a fever."

Dino swayed slightly as his upright position made him feel dizzy. He fell forward and wonwoo caught him laying his head on his shoulder.

"are you alright hon?"

"m'dizzy hyung..."

"okay baby, let's lay back down then alright? Slowly okay?" wonwoo slowly layed dino back down propping his head up on his pillow.

"is that better channie?"

"I'm still dizzy hyung."

Wonwoo gave him a sympathetic smile running his hand through dino's hair.

"hang tight for a second, I'll be right back."

Wonwoo left dino's room to get some help.

"is he awake hyung?" minghao asked.

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