🖤💖(STRAY KIDS) Felix - Panic Attack

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Request by: Thebadwolf16


Stray kids were finally allowed to travel again after a long wait because of covid 19. They were currently heading to the states for their tour.

Things were going smoothly until they landed in America. They got off the plane and were ushered through the busy airport, trying t remain unseen even they were very noticeable amongst the other people.

As always, people had found out about stray kids arriving and showed up to the airport to try to get a glimpse of them up close. Something all idols hated but had to deal with every single time they traveled.

Now this wasn't the first-time stray kids had to deal with bombarding fans, but it was still frightening regardless.

Felix was clutching onto the back of changbin's coat as they slowly made their way through the crowd of screaming fans.

They were almost to the doors when felix suddenly felt a hand wrap around his wrist. At first he thought it was jeongin until he spotted the youngest up ahead of him. his eyes went wide with fear as he turned his head to see a girl wearing a black bucket hat and a face mask, her grip tight on Felix's wrist.

"hey, let...let go of me." felix whined as he pulled away from the girl.

She tightened her grip and began pulling felix in the other direction.

He was petrified. He instantly screamed changbin's name begging for help before he was dragged off.

Changbin instantly heard Felix's cry for help. He whipped around and saw that felix was no longer behind him. his stomach dropped and he looked around frantically for the aussie boy.

"hyung!! Hyung felix is in trouble!" he yelled catching chan's attention.

"what?! Where is he?!" now all of them were worried.

They all looked around the busy airport in search for the freckled boy.

"hyung he's over there!" jisung called out pointing to the other side of the room.

They all sprinted through the crowd to get to felix and saw a woman dragging him, her grip tight.

"yah!! Get off of him!!" Changbin screamed as he charged at the girl.

She jumped in surprise and let go of Felix's wrist sprinting away as security chased her.

Felix was frozen in shock and fear, his chest pulsing rapidly with short shallow breaths behind his mask. His hands were shaking, water filling his eyes.

"lix! Lixie I'm here, Hyung's here now." Changbin cooed as he took felix into his arms feeling the boy shake violently in his hold.

Felix's breathing was terrible, he was basically hyperventilating, his hand going up to clutch his heart.

"lix, baby breathe, she's gone, you're safe now, take a deep breath."

i...I can't...i.... i can't binnie!" felix cried in fear as his chest ached in pain.

"aish, okay, okay, it's okay Lixie, let's go sit down okay?"

Changbin protectively led felix over to a bench, the other standing around them to shield felix from the public.

Changbin slid Felix's mask down so he could breathe better.

"in slowly Lixie, take a deep breath."

Felix did, sucking in a shaky breath and blowing it back out, tears silently falling down his speckled cheeks.

"good lix, do another one."

He did.

Chan moved to sit on the other side having felix lean against him as he calmed his breathing.

"you're doing great felix, you'll be alright." Chan whispered softly in English.

Felix still had tears on his face, more still falling.

"hyung...she...she just grabbed me...she.... she didn't say anything...her...her grip was so tight I couldn't get away." Felix cried still talking in English.

Chan wrapped his arms around felix and held him tightly against his chest.

"I'm so sorry lix, she's gone now, we won't let this happen again I promise." Chan said softly as he ran his fingers through Felix's shiny blonde hair.

"i...I wanna go to the hotel Chris...i...I don't wanna be here anymore..." felix sobbed.

"shhhh, okay baby, let's go then alright? Stay with me, I'll keep you safe I promise." Chan said as he placed his mask back on and slowly stood him up.

"alright, we need to get through as quick as possible okay guys? Hold hands and just push through the crowd until we get outside." Chan said.

All the members joined hands and weaved through the crowd being as fast as possible until they reached the exit.

They piled up in the van, felix in chan's lap still softly crying.

"it's okay Lixie, I'm here, you're safe now I promise." Chan cooed softly as they drove away from the airport.

Once they got to their hotel, chan gave felix a glass of water and layed down with him on one of the beds softly stroking his hair until he was finally calm.

"are you okay now lix?"

Felix nodded softly.

Chan wiped Felix's cheeks and gave him a soft smile.

"I'm sorry for causing a scene Chris...."

"ay, no lix, don't apologize, I should have kept you safe."

"it's not your fault Chris..."

"I'm just glad you're okay now, I promise that won't happen again."

"thank you for helping me."

"of course lix, it's my job to keep my kids safe."

Felix giggled softly.

"you look tired lix, why don't you take a nap, I'll stay right here next to you."

"are you sure hyung?"

"positive." Chan smiled.

Felix nodded softly and snuggled into chan's chest before dozing off.

Chan held him softly and stroked Felix's hair while he slept breathing out a sigh of relief that felix was safe in his arms.

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