🖤💖(VICTON) HANSE- Feminine

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Request by: Harry__1276


Hanse was feeling great. He woke up to a beautiful sunny morning outside of his window and a cool breeze gently swaying the trees. He smiled as he stretched his arms above his head, his body feeling refreshed and relaxed after a good night's sleep.

He smiled thinking about how he would spend his off day since victon had no schedules today, he wanted to go out and do something. He got up, got dressed and brushed his teeth before meeting the others in the living room.

"morning hanse! How did you sleep?" sejun smiled as he entered the room.

"good morning hyung, I slept well." He smiled as he sat in between sejun and chan.

"what are you thinking of doing with your day off hanse?" chan asked.

"I was thinking of doing some shopping, it's been forever since I bought myself clothes."

"that sounds nice hanse, why don't we all go to the mall together? I think subin mentioned needing some new sneakers for dance practice." Seungsik said.

"that sounds like a great idea! Let's get ready and head out then hm?" seungwoo smiled as he got up off the couch.

Hanse smiled at his members feeling happy that they were all going to go do something together. It had been forever since they all got to do something fun together and this would be a very rare opportunity.

He rushed to his room to grab his belongings so they could head to the mall.

He heard sejun struggling to get subin to wake up from down the hall and giggled softly at the maknae's childishness.

Once sejun finally got subin to get out of bed, they all masked up and headed to their van to go to the mall.

It was a weekday, so the mall was quite empty, usually being slower while the youth were in school.

The boys walked in and began their shopping excursion, subin and Seungsik went to the shoe store while seungwoo and sejun went to the food court.

Hanse decided to window shop first, not really sure what he was looking for quite yet. He and byungchan walked next to each other down the long hallways peering in at all the shops.

"look at that blazer hanse!" byungchan said pointing to an expensive looking jacket on a mannequin.

"I'll bet that's like way out of your budget channie." Hanse teased.

Byungchan pouted still staring at the jacket.

"can't we just go look at it? I just wanna try it on." He gave hanse puppy dog eyes that he really just could not resist.

"aish, alright but I am not defending you to seungwoo-hyung if you buy something you can't afford."

Byungchan giggled innocently before taking Hanse's hand and running into the luxury store.

While they were inside, hanse had to admit, he saw plenty of things that caught his eye as well. He scanned the racks looking at the beautiful clothes while byungchan begged an employee to let him try on the blazer.

He ran his hands along the various fabrics along the wall feeling a multitude of textures under his hands.

As he was browsing, he stumbled upon an outfit. It was a two-piece distressed hounds-tooth corset top and skirt.

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