🩹💖(ASTRO) Rocky - Sick

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Request by: MalinaEverfree

Warning: vomit

Rocky knew as soon as he woke up that he was sick. He had cold sweat dripping down his skin, his throat, head, and stomach were all aching, and his body felt overwhelmingly sore.

He rolled over in bed and grabbed his phone to check the time. He groaned when he saw that he had to get up to go to dance practice.

He laid there for a few minutes before forcing himself up and over to his bathroom to shower.

As he stood, he got extremely dizzy. He braced his weight on the doorframe closing his eyes until the spell was over.

Once it was gone, he stepped into the shower and cleaned himself quickly before getting dressed.

He felt awful now that he was up, every part of his body hurt, he felt queasy and achy and was dreading the thought of dancing for three hours.

A part of him wanted to go tell MJ or Jin-Jin but he told himself that he needed to suck it up and complete his responsibilities. He wasn't a child; he could handle a little sickness.

He trudged out of his room to join the others for breakfast thinking maybe eating something could calm the discomfort in his stomach.

"morning min, how'd you sleep?" eunwoo asked as he slid Rocky's plate over to him.

He nodded to the older smiling softly.

"I slept well hyung." He said as he sat at the table next to moonbin.

The smell of the food was making his stomach churn, but he knew he couldn't dance on an empty stomach, so he forced a few bites down.

"hey, everything okay min?" MJ asked noticing the discomfort on the younger's face.

"huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine hyung."

"are you sure? You look a little pale this morning." Jin-Jin chimed in.

"I'm fine, promise." He lied feeling guilty as soon as he said it.

"okay then, well let's get going then."

They packed up their things and went down to the practice room preparing for their three-hour practice.

Rocky could feel his breakfast sitting in his stomach, his stomach rumbling angrily as he moved. He non chalantly placed his hand on his stomach rubbing the organ gently hoping the pain would subside.

"okay, we gotta do three songs today so let's start track 6." Jin-Jin said.

Eunwoo clicked the button on the stereo and got into position.

The music began and they began dancing.

Immediately rocky felt ill, his head was aching as the loud music filled the room, the sharp movements of the choreo upsetting his temperamental stomach almost instantly.

He swallowed thickly forcing his nausea away as he completed the choreo.

Once they finished the first track, the boys could see that rocky seemed off.

"min, are you sure you're feeling alright?" Moonbin asked noticing the boy's constant swallowing and even paler complexion.

Rocky was afraid of opening his mouth, feeling his stomach rolling. He nodded giving moonbin a thumbs up instead which just fueled the other's concern.

"min, if you aren't feeling well, you can go home, we have plenty of time to practice before the comeback." Jin-Jin said.

Rocky waved them off.

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