🖤💖(TREASURE) Doyoung- Hate Comments

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Request by: 1995201020044JJH

Ever since treasure's web drama was released, they started receiving tons of attention and gaining new fans every episode. It was great marketing for their group and it seemed to boost their views quite substantially.

However, with positive attention also comes negative attention and unfortunately for Kim doyoung, that seemed to be the only attention he was getting.

It had been a few weeks since the first episode of Mysterious class had aired and the members of treasure were anxiously reading comments and reviews of the series. Most of them were positive, praising their acting and their originality. Most of the fans seemed to favor haruto's character the most which made the hyung line proud and aside from him, the boys were mostly well-received.

That was until doyoung had caught a glimpse of his name in a comment.

"ugh, why is doyoung such a brat smh."

He chuckled at it at first because his character is supposed to be that way. He saw a few similar comments but again decided they weren't written with malicious intent.

Once the boys stopped looking through comments, they moved on to do other things throughout their day. Doyoung had tried to focus on some work but he had this nagging voice in the back of his head telling him to check the comments again.

He had snuck into his room and grabbed his phone opening the YouTube comment section under the latest episode.

He smiled at the first few comments, them positive and kind in nature but his smile fell when he had noticed a group of comments mentioning him.

"I can't stand doyoung tbh."

"me neither! He's so annoying like all the time"

"omg same! No wonder they made him the villain lol."

"it suits him honestly."

"I feel like this is exactly how doyoung would act in this situation irl."

"ew, I wanna punch doyoung, his acting is so bad like why is he even in this?"

"anyone else feel like doyoung should have been eliminated?"

Doyoung paused reading that last one over again.

"they think I should have been eliminated?" he whispered out loud to himself.

He chewed on his bottom lip scanning the comments trying not to let them get to him.

After awhile he decided to do some browsing on twitter to see what people were saying about the drama.

While he was browsing, he discovered a hashtag that sent a sharp pain to his chest.


Going against his better judgment, he clicked the tag and saw pages and pages of twitter posts pop up.

His eyes widened in shock at the quantity of posts all about dissing him.

He sat back against his headboard and scrolled seeing countless tweets and photos with captions saying horrible things about him.

"I love treasure but I just kinds ignore doyoung."

"I wish doyoung would keep his mouth shut."

"omg he's so uglyyyy"

"lol doyoung is like if there was an ugly version of Junkyu lmao."

"he seriously cannot act."

"why does he boss the boys around so much?? He's not their leader or anything."

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