🩹💖(TREASURE) Haruto - Faking It

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Request by: kpopcrazylovexoxo57

Warning: vomit

"guys come on we have such a busy day today could you get ready faster?!" jihoon complained from the doorway as he checked the time on his phone.

"hyung? Where's haruto?" jeongwoo asked noticing that the Japanese boy was nowhere to be seen.

"aish, is he still sleeping?" Hyunsuk said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"what's wrong?" junkyu asked as he came up to them.

"Haruto is still in bed." Jihoon scoffed.

Junkyu's eyes widened.

"I'll go get him."

He rushed of down the hall to haruto's room. he entered the room seeing haruto bundled up in his comforter sound asleep.

"aish, was he up late again?" he said to himself as he crawled onto the bed laying gently on top of haruto.

"ruto-ah, it's time to wake up." he said softly as he ran his hand through haruto's messy hair.

Haruto groaned slightly only half awake.

"come on ruto, time to wake up." junkyu gently shook his shoulders making his eyes peel open.

He saw a very smiley junkyu above him.

"hi ruto, you slept in a bit we have to go soon."

Haruto blinked trying to adjust to the bright light. He groaned again taking in a wheezy breath.

"you okay haruto?" junkyu asked noticing that haruto seemed off.

"I've got a headache." Haruto answered in a very raspy voice.

Junkyu's eyes widened.

"aish ruto you don't sound good, does your throat hurt?"

Haruto nodded.

Junkyu was worried now hoping the younger wasn't sick.

"here ruto-ah sit up for me." junkyu helped lift haruto into a sitting position.

"you don't look great ruto."

"I don't feel great hyung." He said in his dry voice followed by a weak cough.

"aish, okay, wait here for a second." Junkyu said before he left haruto's bedroom and went out to the others.

"junkyu-ah? Where's haruto?" Hyunsuk asked.

"he said he doesn't feel well."

The eldest two looked worried but doyoung scoffed.

"what?" junghwan asked the older.

"he's not sick, he's pretending to get out of the interview later, he's been complaining about it all week."

"do you really think haruto is that childish?" Yoshi asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"he's seventeen years old, of course." Doyoung smirked.

"well we don't have time for shenanigans, we have to be at practice and then the interview or we'll be in a lot of trouble." Jihoon reminded.

"but guys, I think he's really not feeling well." Junkyu said.

"no junkyu, you're only saying that cuz you have a soft spot for him." doyoung said.

"guys come on-

"nope, we're out of time, I'm getting him out of that bed." Doyoung stormed down the hall and into haruto's room startling the poor boy.

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