leave me alone

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Chapter 50. Leave me alone

The sound of Luca's truck screeches to a halt as he pulls up to Nolan's uncle's house. The time read 5:25 a.m, and I had not slept.

Luca and I had stayed up for hours talking at the beach before going to Denny's to sober up.

I turn to look at him and his pale brown eyes stare through me. 

"Thank you, I seriously can't tell you how grateful I am that you were there for me."

He wears a worn smile "I'll see you later."


"Or never again, hopefully later though," He lets out a dry chuckle and I hug him before slipping out of the truck.

The sun has just begun rising and my lack of sleep is hitting me like a truck as I walk up the driveway.

I stare down at the sidewalk as I walk up, my head pounding from either a small hangover or my lack of sleep. Or both.

I click my phone to turn on so I can call Amber but I'm soon reminded how it died last night.

I knock on the front door a few times.

After a minute the door opens.

Every overwhelming emotion from last night comes crashing down on me within seconds.

"Fuck, it's you Carebear," Axel sighs in relief and I push past him and enter the house, completely ignoring him.

"Carolina," Axel follows me and grabs my forearm, spinning me around to face him. We are now in the living room and the house was silent. 

"Please talk to me, everything that happened last night was a misunderstand-"

"Oh you mean to tell me Lexi, half-naked with your bandana on and you on the bed was a misunderstanding? Please," I snap at him. I felt so overwhelmed as if I was back at the party seeing them together all over again.

"Carolina I wanted to explain everything to you at the party but you left, I didn't even sleep at all last night I was so worried about you," His raucous yet gentle voice pulled at the strings of my heart but it only made me more upset.

"I was with Luca," I fold my arms over my chest and Axel's composure turns stiff.

"What the fuck? Are you serious right now?" He asks throwing his hands up in disbelief. 

"I just wanted to leave the party."

"Yeah and go with him?" His voice was no longer gentle, his anger was now in similarity with mine. His words start a wildfire in me. I was so heartbroken yet angry with him. 

But I was madder at myself that I had let myself get to this point.

"What we were or are, it's over Axel."

I feel my heart crush in my chest as Axel's expression falters. I hold back tears as I watch his eyes fill with so much emotion. It broke me completely to know I was hurting him but I knew this was the right thing to do.

But nothing could have prepared me for what he says to me.

"Carolina, I love you."

My breath gets caught in my throat as I comprehend his words. I stare at the boy I've been crazy over for the past few months. The one who held me when I cried. The one who no matter what, made me feel like everything was going to be okay.

I was in love with Axel Wesley.

But I refuse to accept love from someone who would lie and deceive me the way he did. Not anymore. 

"I don't believe that or you," I do my best to keep a stoic expression but I feel my eyes burn from tears forming.

"Carolina," He reaches forward to hold me but I shove him away.

"I don't want anything to do with you anymore, just leave me alone," A tear escapes, and I quickly wipe it with the back of my hand.

"Stop, please talk to me," Axel's voice was even raspier from emotion. I direct my gaze towards the front window.

"I'm not your second choice Axel, I trusted you, I was so hung up on you for months. Just get out of my life," My tone escapes like knives past my lips but I refuse to look at him. I knew that seeing his face after my harsh remark would completely shatter me.

Silence falls over us and all I hear are the creaks of the house. I silently pray that no one is awake to hear our conversation.

He digs his hands in the pockets of his joggers before turning around.

"You were never second Carolina," He mutters so low I barely hear it as he walks away. His voice slightly cracks as he says my name causing my heart to throb in my chest.



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"I know what it's like to want to die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but you can't. How you hurt yourself on the outside to try to kill the thing on the inside." - Winona Rider, Girl Interrupted. 

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