all girls are the same

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Chapter 52. All girls are the same

Carolina's Point of View.

My head is in a daze as I shuffle to my car. My legs and arms were throbbing from pitching and sprinting. It was freezing out but my body was in a cold sweat from all of the strenuous exercises.

I didn't talk to Axel at all during practice. 

But his indirect comments towards me rang through my head like an alarm.

It was during the beginning of practice and Jared kept nudging Axel and Grayson to find out what they did over break.

"C'mon Axel, tell me about those Florida girls," he practically begged.

"You know...all girls are the same."

Okay, Juice Wrld.

My heart quite literally throbbed at the comment but I ignored it.

We did circuits of batting, catching, and sprints, then coach finished us off with push-up and sit-ups.

I pitched for batting circuits and to no surprise, Axel cycled between catching and sprinting circuits the whole time.

At least Nolan, Cooper, and Grayson talked to me like nothing was wrong. 

As I approach my car with every thought to go home and lay in bed, a hand from under my car grabs my ankle.

My soul leaves my body as I scream.


I jump from my car and hear hysterical laughing from down below. I glance underneath to see Eli with a skateboard.

"Ayo," he smirks from under the car, even under a car his usual charm is prevalent.

"Why are you here? Are you looking for Ax- your brother?" I ask, wincing at how awkwardly I dodge his name.

"No I was actually looking for you," He affirms as he crawls out from under the car.

"It's cold out we can talk in the car," I suggest and he nods. I enter my car and start it while Eli enters from the passenger side.

"Are you okay Care?" Eli asks once he's seated and I shrug pushing a smile to my face, "I've been better."

"Look I'm not going to beat around the bush here so I'll just say it, did something happen between you and my brother?" He bluntly asks and shock must've been obvious on my face from his expression.

"Did he tell you something?" I wonder and he shakes his head, "He hasn't said anything, which is why I'm here. I can tell something happened but he's so stubborn and anti-showing sadness that I can't get anything out of him," He explains and I divert my attention from him towards the wheel.

He's actually somewhat affected?

"I'm not saying it was you but maybe you know what happened?" He presses further.

"He confessed his feelings for me over break," I abruptly admit, and shock spreads across Eli's face before amusement.

"That's a pleasant surprise," He comments and I nod, "But then we got into a bad fight, like really bad, and now I don't think he'll ever talk to me again..." I trail off, I couldn't keep my words from sounding as empty as I felt.

"About...?" He wonders and I look at him with an unsure expression.

"I promise, I won't go running to him and tell him," He swears and for whatever reason I know I can trust him.

"At the costume party we were playing beer pong and he randomly checked his phone and seemed bothered about something. He left me and I was worried so I followed him into the room but he was with some girl who was half-naked," I hated talking about the events. I felt as though I was there all over again.

"At the night of the party?" Eli asks, his expression suddenly much more intense like he knows something else.

I nod my head and his head tilts to the side like he's trying to make sense of the situation.

Quickly he grabs his phone and begins scrolling through his call log, "What time did you see them together?"

"Maybe 1:20ish? I was pretty drunk," I comment.

"I was on the phone with Axel at 1:12 a.m and our call lasted six minutes and 17 seconds," He claims as she shows me the call log on his phone.

My eyebrows stitch together, "I'm confused now, how could you have been on the phone right before that if he was with Lexi?"

"Lexi?" He asks and I nod and he snaps his fingers together as if somethings just clicked, "I remember that name from that night. While we were on the phone he had to hang up because some girl named Lexi had walked in trying to hit on him." He explains and I feel more confused than ever.

"But how was she half-naked wearing his bandana when I walked in there then?" I question and Eli shrugs, "I don't know, we were on the phone one minute and the next he told me he'd called me back cause he had to get rid of some girl named Lexi."

I hear Axel's words ring in my head indefinitely.

"Please talk to me, everything that happened last night was a misunderstand-"

I never let him explain. I was so hurt and upset I refused to hear any of his words and just assumed the absolute worst.

"Do you know where he is?" I ask and a confused look smoothes across his face.

"Not really, He doesn't tell me where he's going, especially when he's in a mood."

"Do you have an idea?" Eli asks and I shake my head.

"I know a place he might be actually... it's a long shot, I don't know if he still goes there or not," Eli shrugs and I raise an eyebrow, "Where's that?"

"It's this bridge...he-"

"Off the railroad track?" I ask as realization falls upon me.

"Yeah... how do you know about that place?" Eli quizzes out of pure confusion and I offer a small smile, "He showed me."

"Damn he really did like you then, do you know how to get there?" 

I shake my head.

"I'll text you the directions if you drop me off, it's too cold to board," He compromises and I happily comply as I pull out of the parking lot.


Y'all I can't believe I'm almost done with this story, time really does fly.

I'm soooo sorry for the slow updates, winter break was busy but I'm back :)

Vote and comment :)


"When you love someone, you don't want to hurt them, even if they deserve to be hurt.

When you love someone, you want to hurt them, even when they don't deserve to be hurt."

- Ellen Hopkins

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