valentine's day

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Chapter 18. Valentine's Day

"Happy Valentine's Day ladies" Olly smugly grins as he approaches my locker with a grape soda Crush can in his hand.

"There's no way someone sent you a Crush can" Amber snorts earning a few chuckles from me, "What can I say? People have crushes on me" He waves his hand over his body making me scrunch my nose in disgust.

At Plain-View high school, every Valentine's Day, the opportunity to buy a soda Crush can and get it sent out to your crush is offered. Pun intended of course.

"Right, Anyways... Carolina what happened last night? You totally ditched Luca in the cafeteria" Amber exclaims throwing her hands up in frustration to emphasize her point and Olly scoffs, "and she wonders why she's single"

"Gee thanks guys" I tease making them both roll their eyes at me. I let out a sigh as I close my locker right after the bell before the tardy bell rings throughout the hallways.

"We'll see you at lunch Care" Amber waves as her and Olly head to their fourth hour. I begin my short walk to Psychology glancing over my shoulder at the deep chuckles booming through the hallway.

I notice Axel in the center looking as if he's having the time of his life laughing and joking with friends. How some people have such a good time at school I'll never know.

I feel a small smile form on my face from his laugh, he just has this light about him I can't quite explain. He radiates such positive vibes and has this charm that makes everybody want to be around him.

I quickly snap my focus down to my feet as his gaze lands on mine. I feel my cheeks begin to burn like fire as I quicken my pace to class. The memories of last night begin flooding though my brain like a hurricane. First I break in his house and now he caught me staring at him, he probably thinks you're a stalker.

I ignore the presence now next to me not daring to meet the eye of Satan himself.

"How's my favorite felon?" He broadly asks with a smirk clear in his tone, "I was getting my cat let it go" I beg face palming myself for my foolishness.

"Yeah you know what I think about that? I think you're lying..." He trails off stepping in front of me now walking backwards, "I think that was an excuse, I think you want me" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

I snort very unattractively at this, "You think too much"

"Anyways, do you need something?" I crudely ask coming off much ruder than I intended, "Oh just here to give my crush a Crush" he smirks handing me a peach flavored Crush soda can.

I hesitantly grab it staring at it in pure shock, "You got me a Crush can?" I slowly ask unsure of how to properly respond, "Ha no, peach is just my least favorite flavor, by the way if you want more there is plenty more in my locker"

"How much did you get so far?" I curiously ask and he shrugs in response, "I don't know.. forty? Forty five? Lost count" how the hell...

My attention soon diverts to the high pitch hyena like giggles down the hall. My eyes widen at Beth's presence along with her evil minions trailing behind her. Oh no I completely forgot about her. She paces the hall with her three friends beside her, everything about Beth is classy. From what she wears to how her makeup is down to the way she walks, she struts like a model in her expensive name brand uniform.

"Hide" I demand in an assertive tone as Axel shoots me a confused look, "What?" He asks but I spare no explanation as my grab his wrist jerking him into the nearest janitor's closet. I slam the door behind me flicking the light switch on as I rest my head on the door to listen.

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