i could use a burger

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Chapter 23. I could use a burger.

The world goes quiet as his words echo through my brain a few times and I process the information.

"What do you mean you can't find him?" I ask coming off louder than I intended resembling a parent screaming at a child, "Kyle was at the bonfire I was at so I asked him where Miguel was. He said they had plans but he hasn't heard from Miguel all day. So I called Miguel's phone five hundred fucking times, I've texted him, my friend and I went driving around looking for him everywhere. I went to friend's houses, the neighbors houses, he's gone Care" Jack's voice cracking a bit and I feel my head spinning, "Did he go to school today? Where are you?" I question in an inpatient tone.

"I think so, I saw him leave on his bike in the morning and I'm at the house please come home" he practically begs, "Okay I'll find a way home, stay there I'll be home soon" I instruct trying to stay as strong and calm as possible. Jack agrees and we exchange goodbyes as I exit the bathroom bumping into a hard broad chest.

"Care what's wrong?" Axel asks with a concerned expression etched on his face, I suddenly feel nauseous, as if I might puke.

"I need to leave right now, I have to go home" I urgently speak as my stomach begins churning uncomfortably, "I'll take you home let's go"

"No it's fine you don-" he quickly cuts me off, "Carolina it's fine, I'll take you home" He states with complete seriousness, no smirk, or anything. I hesitantly agree as I turn to Amber who's behind me, "I'm sorry I have to go, I'll call you as soon as I figure this out" I explain and she nods in understanding.

I quickly leave with Axel, almost running to his car, "Wait, what about Nolan, Cooper, and Grayson, they won't have rides back home" I add as I buckle my seatbelt. He starts the car giving me an 'are you serious' look, "They'll be fine, it's you I'm worried about" He says before pulling out of the parking lot beginning the drive to my house.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you, It's just my brother is missing and I'm currently terrified" I utter chewing on my bottom lip nervously, "You have nothing to apologize for, we'll find him" he speaks in a comforting yet reassuring tone as we turn onto my street. As we pull up to my house a few cars are already there, most likely friends of Jack.

I immediately exit the car sprinting up the driveway into my house. As I burst through the door a few boys recognizable from Jack's lacrosse team all sit in the living room along with Jack who's pacing the room back and fourth. He notices my presence and embraces me in a hug.

"Are you sure you checked everywhere?" I ask as we let go, he nods, "I've checked damn near everywhere" We are silent for a moment as I stare at the floor thinking of a possible place he might be.

Then it suddenly dawns on me, "Did you check the skate park?" I ask in urgency and he shakes his head, "Why would I check there he doesn't skateboard"

"I'll be back, stay here, I'll call you if I find him" I state pulling the front door open, to my surprise Axel's car is still there as he sits in the driver's seat on his phone. I scurry over to his car knocking on the passenger seat window earning a jump of startle from him.

He rolls down the window, "Did you find him?" He asks and I shake my head, "No but I think I know where he is, can you please take me the skatepark on Clementine Street? My van is blocked in by all these cars"

He nods and I open the door sliding inside closing the door behind me. We drive in silence for a moment until I feel a wave of guilt flush over me, what have I done?

"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to get you involved in any of this, it's just, my brother has a lot of problems... he's bullied a lot... and he's been through stuff is all. I'm just slowly turning into a wreck thinking of all the horrid things that could've happened to him" I explain fiddling with the hem of my sweater feeling his gaze on me, "Don't worry about it, but what makes you think he'll be at the skate park?" He curiously asks. I'm taken back a bit at the question unsure of how to answer.

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