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Chapter. 15 Snitch

I punch in the code to my locker grabbing my text book for my third hour. The day has been going by relatively slow which is depressing because I'm already starving for lunch.

I close my locker almost yelping at the body behind it. Beth Green is leaning on the locker next to mine glaring at me with her big green eyes. I glance around to notice her usual friend group is missing and the hallways are now empty.

"Hi Carolina!" Her eyes immediately light up and she flashes me a genuine smile, "Hi....?" I pose more as a question than a greeting. I try my best to be polite but it's an odd thing to talk to Beth.

Beth is captain of the varsity cheer team and track team, cliche? I know right? I haven't spoken to her in years, we used to be best friends but we're not anymore, something about me being "too lame". She has long straight black hair with mesmerizing green eyes, she's very beautiful which is deceiving compared to her personality.

"Wow you look...." she looked me up and down with a look of horror, "anyways um.. I need to talk to you about something" she skips the pleasantries demanding to speak to me in a rude tone.

"Wow sounds tempting but I've got to get to class so...." I trail off attempting to get away but I'm stopped when a scrawny hand grips my wrist turning me back around.

"What do you want?" I ask ripping my wrist from her death grip, "I want to talk to you..... about Axel" seriously? Axel? What the hell is her problem?

"Okay what about him?" I impatiently ask and she purses her lips narrowing her eyes at me, "Stay away from him" she spits with venom dripping off her words and I scoff, "seriously?" I tiredly ask and she slowly nods.

"Sure if it'll keep you away from me, consider it done" I flash her a fake toothy smile attempting to walk away but stopped again by her steel grip.

"I'm being serious Carolina, do it and you'll be sorry" she growls and I roll my eyes "You're threatening me over a boy?"

"Yes Garcia, consider it a warning, talk to him again... and I'll tell everybody about the vandalization" I feel my eyes visibility widen at her words, how could she know?

"Oh surprised I know? Well I do and you can bet your ass on it that I'll snitch to the principal in a heart beat. Oh and don't think it'll just be you, I'll tell on Axel as well. He's a great ball player too.....imagine how bad you'd feel ruining a possible scholarship for him by getting his kicked off the team" She taunts and I feel the urge to punch her. I clench my jaw shooting her a death glare to match one of her own, "Fine" I murmur spinning on my heels to end the conversation.

It can't be that hard to stay away from Axel, right?


"No not that one" Amber rejects as I hold up a shirt to the camera on FaceTime. I grab another shirt and she shakes her head again, "Hideous"

I hold up another shirt and she nods, "That will do I suppose" she grins straightening another piece of her hair. I stare down at the top, it's a deep red off the shoulder fitted top. I pair it with a pair of high waisted washed out mom jeans and my low top black and white vans. I think about Beth's words as I curl my hair, 'stay away from him'.

I'm not too upset I'll have to end our odd friendship, although I've grown accustom to his goofiness and innuendos. It is for his own good in the long run, I'd feel horrible for getting him kicked off the team or suspended, or both.

"Are you nervous?" Amber asks and I shake my head, "No" I lie, truth is I'm terrified. My hands are shaking and I've been worrying about everything that could go wrong. What if I say something stupid? What if slip on a banana and fall? I've never been the type of person people have crushes or even take a second look at.

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