you're dead

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Chapter 33. You're dead

"How about this one?" I ask striking an attempted dramatic model pose raising my eyebrows suggestively, "Please tell me you are joking" Olly practically gags staring at outfit choice #12.

"Too colorful?" I ask staring down at my rainbow colored sweater in disappointment.

"It makes my eyes hurt...even more than the last one if that's even possible" he adds as he boredly scrolls on his phone.

I stare at him, his curly dark brown hair falls on his face ungelled. He's wearing a The Strokes band t-shirt with a pair of jeans.

"I wish Amber was here" I whine pulling the sweater off my head throwing it on Olly's head. He shrieks flinging it off of him in a random direction.

"My grandma made me that you know?" I state matter of factly, "Your grandma must really hate you" He snickers as he types away on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I ask as I throw on a random t-shirt throwing myself on my bed next to him. Amber's party is just in two hours, and it's very unsafe to say that I have no possible outfit chosen.

Olly's lips part to speak but the sound of an iPhone FaceTime chime begins to boom through my room. Olly stares at me with wide terrified eyes as I read the name on the screen.

"Callie (:"

"ANSWER IT!" I shriek reaching over him but he quickly pushes me off my bed. I whine as my back hits the floor nearly pulling me into paralysis.

I hear Olly take a deep breath before he answers it, Callie's animated voice soon filling the quiet room. She should be a cheerleader.


"Hey Callie" his voice is suddenly uneasy, I can tell he's nervous because of his rapid foot tapping on my floor as he sits propped off on the edge of my bed.

"Hey this isn't your room, where are you?" She asks and I immediately prop myself up on my elbows glaring daggers at Olly. How could he not tell me this? I literally tell him every- okay maybe not everything.

"I'm at Carolina's" he casually states flipping the camera on me, "Hey Carolina! Why are you on the floor?" She curiously asks, I flash Olly a death stare before casually shrugging sitting up, "Oh no reason, are you going to Amber's party?" I ask changing the subject.

"Yeah of course, I'm assuming you guys are too?" She asks and Olly nods. I lazily peel myself off the floor falling face first on my bed letting out an exaggerated sigh.

"What's wrong Care?" Callie asks, her voice full of concern, "Outfit troubles" Olly states.

"I can help, hand Carolina the phone" Olly does so handing me his phone. I take his phone, flipping my camera at the mound of clothes on my floor of rejects.

"Hmmm...... pick that skirt up right their" She orders and I do so, grabbing my loose fitted black and white plaid skirt.

"And that black sweater" I grab the cropped black sweater, "Pair that with some combat boots, loosely curl your hair, and your good to go" she explains causing Olly and I's mouths to both pop open, "What? You barely gave me anything to work with, anyway, I have to go, see you guys their, byeee" she hangs up the phone before either of us can say anything.

"She's great" I finally speak, gathering up my clothes and curler. Olly glances down at his feet slightly smiling for grabbing his phone back, "She really is"

I smile to myself grabbing my clothes as I run to my bathroom. I slip into the skirt and sweater glancing at the way it fit me in the mirror. I somewhat feel, decent-looking for once.

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