i ate all of your fries

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Chapter 34. I ate all of your fries

"And one Big Mac hold the onions please" I groggily speak into the cool bitter early morning air, shivering as the 3 am morning breeze prickles my face.

"Anything else?" The worker asks through the speaker, the tone way too chirpy for this ungodly hour.

I glance over my shoulder at Olly, who's sitting lazily in the passenger seat with a lopsided grin.

"Nope that will be all" he grins popping the 'p' in the 'nope', "No that's all" I answer the worker, "Okay pull up to the front window"

I shift the gear of Olly's Jeep, putting it in drive, slowly pushing my foot on the accelerator, easing our way to the front window.

"Wait I forgot to get fries!" He urgently blurts out but we're already way past the window, "You can have some of mine" I sigh as I place the Jeep in park.

"No way really?" He asks out of pure confusion of the rareness of me giving up food, I nod.

"Hehe thanks Care" Olly chuckles as he closes his eyes with a wide closed lip smile. I roll my eyes as I lay back in the comfortable driver's seat, completely exhausted with the night's events.

Well, the past month's events.

Mainly tonight's though, the whole night became a questionable blur after Olly's "leap of faith" at Amber's house. The last thing I can remember is boy's from the football and baseball team giving Olly an endless amount of 'celebratory' shots for his survival.

Even Justin and Ben were cheering him on as he took countless amounts of shots.

I glance at the time.

3:07 a.m.

I feel my heart drop to my stomach as I stare at the time, please let us get home before my grandma.

"That'll be $6.57 miss" The girl vocalizes as she hands us our white bag of cholesterol. McDonald's.

I hand her a ten dollar bill, waiting patiently as she rounds up our change.

"Hey.. do I know you?" The girl asks as she hands me the change. I squint my eyes for a moment, my tired eyes barely registering her electric blue hair and lip piercings.

"Carolina right?" She asks, I nod, "Aimi? Right?"

She eagerly nods as I hand Olly our bag of food that he immediately devours into.

"You guys make those films right? What was the name of your newest one? The one where the guy dropped his hat in the black hole, so he jumps in and ends up this whole other parallel universe!" She explains and my eyes widen in utter surprise as a tinge of joy flows it's way through me. Recognizance.

"Yeah Cosmic Milkshake" I voice her thoughts and she snaps her finger, eyes lighting up as if to say 'that's it'.

Not many people from school watched our films. Most of the people that watched our films were other film artists on the websites Olly and I were on. A few of ours were on YouTube, however, we never got too many views to the point we were recognized.

"Yeah that one! I love that one, your guy's films are rad" She compliments causing a smile wide enough to reach my eyes spread across my face.

"Thank youuuu....." Olly echoes, dragging out each syllable as he continues to stuff his face with fries still managing to smile as he does this all.

"No problem, keep up the work guys" she nods waving us off as we drive off.

The drive home was quiet, I do my best to keep my eyes open as Cigarette dreams plays mellowly in the background on the radio.

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