in love with me

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Chapter 14. In love with me

"Please?" Amber begs for the millionth time jabbing me again with her pencil, "Amber no I don't feel comfortable going on a date with someone I don't even know" I snap writing down another measurement for our science experiment. It's now sixth period and all day students have been getting questioned for the 'vandalization'. I haven't been called down luckily, but I'm not sure about Axel.

Amber and Jared broke up because she found out he was cheating on her, with her own cousin. Well she moved on relatively fast and now wants me to go on a double date with the new guy and his cousin.

Olly rolls his eyes clearly irritated with her, "Moved on already?" He asks in a bored tone and she eagerly nods, "of course, with Austin, he goes to Hill High, I really like him, least I think I do" She stammers a bit before pulling out her phone beginning to type away.

Amber isn't known to have the best reputation with guys at our school. She tends to replace them so fast from either her getting bored of them or things just simply not working out. Most guys and girls at my school chose to judge her even though they don't know how hard she has it at home. Don't get me wrong, she lives on the nice end of town in a mansion. But a big house means nothing if nobody loves each other in it.

"And that's the whole point Care, you meet somebody new, live a little" her saying 'live a little' immediately makes my blood boil, "Live a little? I got thrown over a fence yesterday, literally a fence!" I exclaim still feeling pain from yesterday in my back and Amber just chuckles.

"Yeah I feel you, tests are stressing me out too, and boys" she whines, Wait what? "Amber, I was literally thrown over a fen-"

"Attention WildCats at Plain-View, this is your vice principal Mrs.Jan speaking, all teachers with a senior class, please dismiss your students to the auditorium. I repeat, seniors, please report to the auditorium" Mrs.Jan announces with a very enthusiastic tone.

A feeling of uneasiness upsets my stomach as the classes of seniors peel out of the classrooms to meet in the auditorium. I can't help but worry this all has something to do with last night.

"What do you guys think it's about?" Amber asks rather loudly in attempt to be louder than the voices filling the auditorium. Olly shrugs, "probably a lecture about vandalizing, or the senior field trip"

"Oh the college tour they dare call a field trip?" I ask as we enter a line to join a row of seats, "No not seniors, seniors get the fun trip, but after what happened last night..." Amber trails off taking a selfie mid sentence, "they might take it away" she continues typing away on her phone. Olly shoots me a weird look from her actions and I just shrug laughing a bit.

We enter the row walking down all taking our seats. We all stay quiet for a while as the auditorium fills up with more and more students and the stir of gossip or what's going on.

"Hey Care bear" I nearly jump out of my skin as a familiar deep voice whispers in my ear. I quickly turn around with wide eyes as Axel smirks leaning back in his seat accompanied by  Grayson, Cooper and Nolan.

"Hey Carolina" Cooper flashes a toothy grin that I can't help but return from how adorable he is.

"Have you gotten questioned yet?" I curiously ask Axel and he shakes his head, "No, have you?"

I shake my head pressing my lips into a thin line, "Don't worry, they have no idea who it is" He states confidently. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, "How are you so sure?" I ask hoping he hasn't told anybody it was us. I haven't even told Amber or Olly.

"You think they'll expect us?" He asks and I grip the arms of the chair I'm in tightly, "They will if you don't keep your mouth shut" I growl through gritted teeth.

"Wait.." Amber chimes in, "YOU GUYS ARE THE ONES WHO VAN-" I quickly put my hand to her mouth slowly nodding. "No way" she breathes out pushing my hand away from her mouth and I nod unsurely.

"Yeah Axel's right they'd never expect you two" she agrees with Axel and a mischievous grin appears on Nolan's face, "it was you guys?" He asks and I shift uncomfortably in my seat making him laugh uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?" Axel asks looking slightly annoyed, "Nothing it's just weird to think of you guys vandalizing, or even as friends"

"That's because we aren't" I admit half jokingly and Axel turns to me, "We are friends"

"Ehh..." I tease turning my attention back to the front of the auditorium. Olly is currently on his phone while Amber is just staring at me with an evil grin, "who knew you knew how to have fun"

My lips part to speak but I stop when I hear Axel's obnoxiously loud yawn, "So did you guys know that Carolina is in love with me?" He broadly asks and feel my whole body tense as Amber snickers beside me.

"No way man" Grayson plays along letting out an intense gasp, "Yeah, she's like obsessed with me, I don't know how to shake her off" I roll my eyes just imagining that gorgeous smirk of his by his tone. Wait what?

"Attention Wild Cats settle down, settle down" Mrs.Jan announces making the entire auditorium fall in silence, " you all have heard, Mr.Gilbert's house was vandalized by someone who we believe attends this high school...." she trails off pacing the rows back and fourth. Mrs.Jan is a petite woman with a short blonde bob. Her voice is both loud and nasally as she speaks into the microphone.

"We were thinking about cancelling your excursion but we decided that if it was students, we should not punish you all. The excursion for the seniors this year is a trip to Splash Lagoon!" The crowd immediately goes wild with excitement. Splash lagoon is an indoor water park that's just an hour away from Plain-View.

"The excursion will be next Friday, permission slips are due this week and you are all dismissed to go back to class" Mrs.Jan finishes setting the microphone down.

All of the students begin standing up I turn to Amber who is giving me puppy dog eyes batting her eyelashes, "please?" She begs and I let out an annoyed scoff, "Fine I'll go" I mutter under my breath and she cheers.

"What day is it?" I ask, "tomorrow" she casually states with a smirk pulling at her lips.

"Tomorrow?!" I ask out of pure shock and she grins before nodding, "thanks for the heads up" I mumble with irritation clear in my tone.

"Oh you love me" she giggles wrapping her arm around my shoulder as we pace out of the auditorium.


Sorry I've been late to update or if this chapter was boring. I'll promise I'll have more coming this week & much more excitement (:

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Qotd : "at least I see the same sky as you" -12:26 a.m

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