but hey who could I possibly run into at a back road hispanic bakery at 4pm.

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Chapter 38. But hey who could I possibly run into at a back road Hispanic Bakery at 4pm.

The pans that my grandma drops echo through the kitchen like a sharp knife cutting through the air.

I'm exasperated, completely lost for words.

I had never seen my grandma look so disorientated in my life. Her stiff posture and pale complexion entailed how in distraught she was.

Her hands are shaking and the pan of rice has been dropped on the floor. I'm too shocked to even notice the tragedy of the rice as to how Miguel had been so clean-cut honest.

I know he had mentioned telling her, but this was not what I had expected to say the least, but I can't say I'm not proud of him.

I glance back at Miguel and his tight stressed shoulders have slouched. Relief has washed over him now as his breath is now regained.

"I'm sorry but.... wait you know what? I'm not sorry, I'm sorry for lying to you but I'm not sorry about liking boys. I really really really don't want this to change the way you look at me but I'm tired of all the pretending to be something I'm not! I have been so unhappy as a person for long because I was so scared you wouldn't accept me, the only person I told was grandpa before he passed. He accepted me without question. But I just was too scared to tell you but I'm not scared anymore, and I can't live like this" his words drop out of his mouth like bombs full of emotion.

All of the emotion he had clung to for years. Joy had filled every square inch of my insides as he spoke. His voice was shaky and raw as he completely vented everything he was holding onto for ages.

I tore my eyes away from him just to see my grandma's expression. Her eyebrows were to the roof and she looks as if she has seen the ghost of Chris Kringle.

Without hesitation, she bends down and picks up the rice in the pot. The kitchen is completely silent.

"That's it!? You have nothing to say to me?!" She snaps up wearing the same shocked expression.

"Miguel I love you, you don't need to be ashamed of anything, I'll love you no matter what mijo"

Miguel is visibly taken back by her words, "I've known for so long but I never thought you'd tell me!" She sets the rice pot in the sink and extends her arms towards him.

He swiftly moves across the kitchen and she collects him in her embrace. I feel my heart cave in on itself knowing he longer holds this burden on his shoulder and can breathe again.

I instantaneously stand up striding across the kitchen to join in on the group hug action. We completely tower over my grandma who's barely five foot as he hug her.

I'm not usually one for touching at all, but given the heat of the moment I couldn't restrict myself.

Her perfume mists the air, a familiar scent I've always associated her.

"I'm home" Jack bellows as he slams the front door trudging upstairs into the kitchen.

"Woah what's going?" He asks bewildered at the sight of us all group hugging. "I came out to grandma" Miguel proudly states and you can see the shock smack its way on Jack's face.

"As if I didn't know already" my grandma smirks and Miguel blushes looking the other way as he lets us go.

"WAIT WAIT slow down.... Miguel actually came out?" Jack's tone matched his expression as he stood with an open jaw. Also lost for words as with me as well.

"Uh yeah it was pretty epic" I state unable to find the correct wording.

"Dope man" Jack flashes Miguel a grin and fist bumps his shoulder. Jack seemed to be looking healthier lately. Ever since he got his heart broken, the last few weeks he couldn't eat or sleep. Seeing him pick at his food was obvious, but the fact he repeatedly sent me memes between 1am-4am was a dead giveaway he wasn't sleeping.

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