Chapter 4:Leave

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I woke up and Chase wasn't there. I found a note on his pillow next to me.
He wrote...

morning, sorry I had to leave early for a work thing but I'll be back in a few hours... Chase

I checked the time and got up out of bed and quietly crept downstairs to the kitchen. I was wearing Chase's hoodie and a shorts. Then I heard the front door unlock and someone walked in. I grabbed the knife from one of the drawers.

A man walked in seeing me with the knife. "Hey, hey, hey! Relax I'm Chase's best friend. He told me you'd be here, so I'm just checking in...okayy please put the knife down" he said anxiously. "what's you're name?" I asked still holding the knife. "Joshua Fredrické Torez, friends call me Josh... can you please put the knife down now" he said. "Okay fine, I'm Adri-..." "Adrienne yes I know" he interrupted. I was at the meeting when the thing happened" he said. "I actually don't know what happened" I replied. "Wow, you don't know...okay well I'm going to tell you seeing as Chase didn' need to know" he said sitting on a stool in the kitchen.

"Okay so basically we were all having this great time and then suddenly gunshots were fired from the centre of the room... everybody ran for cover and I moved over to Chase because he took cover behind the table. He called me over and said he needed to get you from the masked men dragging you out, so he asked me to cover him as we ran out. In the driveway a van pulled up and they were hauling you into the van. Chase shot the men, but one of them tried to shoot you but was slightly off... that's how you got that little scratch on your neck anyway they dropped you onto the floor, got into the van and drove off. The people at the party were there for you...I don't know what you did but whatever it was...those men had the intention of doing far more damage to you." He said shaking his head.

"You're lucky Chase noticed you." He said raising his eyebrow. "Hey, did you know about Marcello?" I asked softly. "Oh yea, Chase told me" he said nodding his head. "You really have no idea how important Spiders was to Chase...they were really close, they go back a few years to high school...Chase was really quiet but he looked very intimidating...girls tried their luck with him but he always looked angry and he just avoided them all together. Marcello was the opposite when it came to women...he objectified them and I guess that's one thing Chase and I never liked about Spiders but we kept him close because he had resources. His father is a very rich man so whatever we needed was at his disposal he was also reliable, he saved Chase's life once." He explained.

"So do you think Chase knew?" I asked. "One thing I can tell you is that Chase's morals and values are set straight. Most Mafia's put mafia over everything but to the Dragons mafia becomes family... it's about loyalty, love and family...and by family I don't mean by blood but family by bond. In the mafia you can be the boss's son and he'll still shoot you with no emotion. So no, Chase didn't know" he assured me.

Josh got up to get some coffee. And I started looking for ingredients for pancakes. I found most of the ingredients and started measuring and mixing in a bowl. Josh got a pan from one of the cupboards and put it out for me...I started making the pancakes and then my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and it was my father. I answered "Adrienne where are you? You better fucking get to this house immediately or the next thing you'll see is flames burning your body alive.

I dropped my phone and ran upstairs...left everything ... including my phone on the kitchen floor and my dress and heals. I ran out of the house I realised I didn't know where I was. The guard opened the gate for me. I caught a taxi driver's attention and he stopped. "Hey where are you going!" Josh yelled from behind me. I didn't even look back. "Just tell Chase I'm sorry!" I yelled back getting into the car.

"Number 1024 on the corner of Garrick and Schmidt. Make it quick please" I told the driver.

Chase's POV:

I was aggravated with everyone at this point. And I had one problem left a little fucker that leaked information.
I walked in with a man tied to a chair in the centre of the room, and a table with my toys spread across it. I took off my suit jacket and folded my cufflinks up to my elbow. "I'm not in a good mood today so just tell who the fuck you're doing this for" I said sighing. "I ain't telling you shit" he said spitting on the floor. "You have some fucking nerve" I raised my voice as my fist collided heavily with his jaw. "I'm not even gonna get my hands dirty today" I said leaning back picking up my phone. "Do whatever you fucking want but my loyalty stands with my master." He said while blood ran from his mouth. I looked at the blood flowing as he coughed trying to get it out. "You fucking disgust me" I said said with a disgusted look on my face.

"I know you have a daughter, she's on the phone right now...say hi" I smirked. "Hi Daddy" she said. "She's what, 4 now?" I asked him knowing the answer. "Don't hurt her" the man screamed from the chair. "Tell me who you're working for" I said. "No" he replied. "Say goodbye to your daughter" I said. "Wait no please"..."kill her" I instructed. "Ok, wait I'll tell you" the man yelled crying. "I work for...Romano Seviché." The man said letting out a whimper.
"Was that so fucking hard" I yelled leaving the room frustrated. "Put a bullet through his head, the kid isn't his anyway...the mother slept with the neighbour so I'm sure he'll take em in" I said putting my jacket on. "Yes sir" I heard the guards say in unison.

I walked listening to the screams from some of the rooms, my feet tapping against the metal floor boards. I wonder what Adrienne's doing...I hope she's okay.

Hey guys, well it looks like I'm addicted to writing, I've been posting everyday and if not then every second day. The upcoming chapters in this book has my fingers glued to the keyboard...let's see what happens.

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