Chapter 31: No

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Adrienne's POV:

So yes, Josh has been around but it's been totally innocent, I promise. He comes over, we watch movies or talk over some coffee or something. Chase is being discharged from hospital today. Can you believe it a whole week later than me. And then you get Gabriel Serano, who hasn't texted me back, hasn't stopped by and I apologized.

Oh and yea, I didn't tell him about the kiss yet. It was just in the heat of the moment. It's not like it was a full-on make out session. Right?! I mean who do you think is wrong in this situation? It can't be me because I apologized and he simply didn't make the effort to reply.  I mean I understand that he's mad at me but carrying out the grudge for the whole week? Now that's just cruel and unusual punishment.

I don't even know what time it is. I turn to the clock on my bedside table and it reads...11:45am. Lately I struggle sleeping at night so I sleep in stages. It's just difficult to sleep comfortably. I mean, before the pregnancy I would lay flat on my stomach with my arms and legs stretched out in every direction but I can't do that now.

I get up from the bed and walk downstairs I'm about 6 and a half months into my pregnancy and honestly I think I'm managing by myself quite fine. Although I must say I use all of these factors to my advantage sometimes. The amount of times that Josh and Mickey have asked... "Can I get you anything?" Or "are you comfortable?" Oh and my ultimate favourite..."what do you feel like eating today?"

Mickey has made sure to visit and check up on me everyday and surprisingly Jess comes to help too. But she brings all of these weird combinations of stuff that is disgusting but is fucking amazing. I suppose she's been through it all so she knows exactly what to feed me, how to comfort me, how to help.

I walk to the fridge to grab something to eat and just then, Gabe walks in aggressively straight towards me as if he was about to throw punches...but he instead grabs my neck roughly but gently and kisses me passionately. He seems angry but at the same time he emits sadness. I grip his clothes as our tongues fight against each other in a rhythmic motion.

He breaks the kiss as he releases his grip on my neck. I open my eyes and notice that my hands gripped so tight onto him that I creased his shirt. I look up at him, trying to calculate his emotions. He looks at me with anger but also with love. This man is trying literally everything he can to keep me. He's fighting for me, fighting for us.

"I'm so sorry" I say stepping away from him ashamed.

"We can't keep going back and forth" he says looking into my eyes.

"I know, but I need to be fully transparent with you first..." I say breathing in deeply before I speak again.

"This baby is Chase's and the other night when you left for your business trip, he figured it out by himself and we really wasn't anything. I don't feel anything for him. But I am sorry either way." I say tears welding up in my eyes.

"I know baby, I've known and it's okay... I just need you to be sure that from now on its me and you, no more Chase or anyone else for that matter." He says holding me gently pulling me closer, forcing me to look at him.

"It's me and you" I say looking back into his eyes, slowly moving closer towards him.

"I want to show you something" he says holding out his hand to me and hinting to the door.

"What is it?" I ask hoping he'd tell me. But he didn't. Instead he just pulled me slowly towards the car. He opened the door for me and I got in and he just started driving.

"I look like a mess, please don't tell me we're going out" I say looking at my stained dress, slippers and messed up hair that hasn't been brushed in a couple days.

"I didn't want you to look perfect." He says smiling at me and chuckling to himself.

We drove away from all the buildings and now there was nothing but fields and trees. I look at Gabe with a questioning face. I really don't even have a guess as to where he's taking me or what we're doing. We come to a complete stop to what seems to be the middle of nowhere.

"Okay where are we?" I ask now very confused.

"Just wait" he says getting out of the car. I watch as he walks around the car excitedly. He opens the door and grabs both my hands as he helps me out of the car.

"Okay Gabe, baby, I'm tired, I smell like milkshakes, bananas and chicken, my hair is a mess, I'm in slippers and-..." I was cut off when he started walking down a path in the grass. I follow after him as we walk into a field, the grass is cut and there is picnic setup in the middle. As I walk to Gabe I notice all these tiny flowers in various colours...purple, pink, red, yellow and blue spread on the grass.

Gabe takes my hand and walks to the blanket. Strawberries, chocolate and ice cream, juice boxes, candy bars, sandwiches cut into triangles. It's so childish I love it. Well it's definitely a step up, I never took Gabe as a playful type.

"Surprise!" He says hesitant for my reaction.

"This is really great, I didn't take you as the playful type" I say smiling at him.

"So uhm...before we get into this I do have something for you" he says grabbing a bottle of water and gulping it down.

He takes out a box of TicTacs and hands it to me. So is this supposed to be a hint that my breath smells horrible? I mean I did warn him in saying that I smell horrible and my clothes are dirty.

I look at him with daggers in my eyes but regardless I open the box and tip it over to find a ring in the palm of my hand. My heart stopped and sunk into my stomach. I look at him to find him on one knee. He takes the ring from my hand as I'm still standing frozen in front of him.

"Adrienne" he started, taking a deep breath before speaking again.

"Adrienne will you marry me?" He asked looking up into my eyes. The suspense was probably killing him. But I'm really shocked it's so unexpected.

"Why didn't you tell me to shower and change or something?" I asked not understanding.

"Because I don't want to marry you when you're all pretty and proud. I want to marry the real you, the messy, moody and beautiful you." He says now holding my hand in his one hand.

"So, will you marry me? Will you be my wife?" He asked again. And I couldn't help but say...


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