Chapter 38: Resting

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Adrienne's POV:

Yes, it's been a few days or hours I'm not really even sure but I am still locked in the bathroom. Part of me is guessing that they took another room to plan the wedding while fucking on the floor, bed and desk and then the other part is thinking that they are just in and out all the time. Either way I'm glad I don't have to hear any of that shit. Yes, I'm dehydrated, starved because all they give me is fucking chips and water and I'm on the brink of passing out.

"Hey sleeping beauty!" I heard her say as light broke through the dark room.

"It's so nice of you to wake me up" I say smiling, note the sarcasm.

"It's your wedding day tomorrow!" She says with the door now wide open, she claps her hands excitedly.

"Fuck yes!" I exclaim.

"Here let's get you some real food" she says untying my hands from the steel pipes and lifting me off the floor.

I try to stand as my legs buckle from all the malnutrition and possible muscle failure. She throws me on the bed due to her inability to hold my weight. She walks over to the table across from me and I blink rapidly to adjust to the light from the window. I watch as she reaches into a bag and takes out cooked food in a container. She takes out a fork and a bottle of water with it.

She walks back over to me and lays it next to me. She unties my bandaged thigh and takes out a first aid kit to tend to it. She takes out a needle and wired threat to stitch it closed. I look at it and I see that it's not blue anymore but it needs to be cleaned, disinfected and closed.

"Wait, I want to eat first before you stick a needle into my skin." I say reaching for the food container. I open it and begin to stuff my face. It's so good, either it's good or I'm just really fucking glad to taste actual food. It's rice and gravy with a juicy steak, it looks partially eaten but eh the fuck do I care right now. Within a few minutes the food was gone and man was I happy. I rested my back on the pillows as my food digested.

"Stay here and don't move I'm going to fetch something. If you move I swear I'm going to make that cut a lot worse." She said walking towards the door and out. I looked next to me and I looked at the empty container and the fork.

She walked back into the room within a few minutes with a big dry cleaners bag. And you can guess it was my wedding dress. Aww I'm going to look like such a princess. It's tight fitted on the top but around the waist and hips it's quite puffy with a lot of ruffles.

"Well, we need to get going. It's an 11 hour drive and Gabe is already there setting everything up for you, well us." She said hanging the dress by the door and packing up everything in the motel room.

"Okay..." I said not knowing what I'm supposed to say.

"Get the fuck up and let's go" she said, this time more aggressive. She grabbed the bags from the room and walked out to the car.

I stood up from the bed and took the first aid with me and I grabbed the fork on my way out. I took a few minutes to regain my balance and my leg strength. I walked slowly, holding myself up against the walls. I turned around to see if there was anything we'd forgotten. After scanning the room, I closed the room door behind me, and walked over to the receptionist still partially paralyzed.

"Are you okay ma'am?" He asked looking at me with a concerned face.

"Yes, thank you. I'm fine. Here's the room keys." I said reaching over the counter giving him the keys.

"Can you please fill out this short form quickly." He asked handing me the paper and a pen. I scanned through all the questions and answered as quickly as possible. I took a separate paper from the desk and wrote Chase's number on it. I looked at his name tag and it read...Ben.

"Here, please call this number and let them know that I was here. Thank you Ben." I say quickly handing him the paper and walking out towards the car. I open the car door and climb in as I watch Jess looking at me with a puzzled face.

"What did he want?" She asked grabbing my jaw roughly.

"He just needed me to fill out forms." I replied ripping her hand off my face.

"Mhmm" she said moving her hand to the steering wheel.

"And don't fucking touch me." I look her up and down and buckle my seatbelt in an attitude.

I'm not going to let her fucking take advantage of me. The fuck, I'm not her pet. Afterall I am the soon to be bride.
She starts the car and reverses out of the parking lot and drives out onto the road and turns right, in an eastward direction. She picks up the speed and I turn on the radio. She looks at me and turns off the radio.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you really want to sit in silence for the next 11 hours?" I ask, looking at her with the 'what the fuck is wrong with you' face. She looks back at me and turns the radio on. I turn the volume up and she looks at me and turns the volume down. I turn the volume back up and look for a good radio station to listen to.

"STOP TOUCHING EVERYTHING!" She says hitting my hands.

"Listen, you kidnapped me. So you gonna have to deal with my fucking bullshit or you let me go." I say, looking at her again, knowing that I made a good argument.

I looked out the window and I knew this was going to be a long ass drive. Especially with her. I watched as we passed so many different plains... trees, forrests, open fields, farmlands and then fields with trees, hills and mountains. I didn't even watch the time but I just saw the sky get darker each time I looked through the window. I need to sleep because tomorrow is going to be a rough day and my energy needs to be up. I adjust my body in a more comfortable position and rested my head against the seat and within minutes I was already drifting off to sleep.

~thanks for reading!!!
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