Chapter 32: Third time's a charm

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Adrienne's POV:

Okay so I know what you're thinking. "She's such a fucking idiot, he's so right for her and he cares so much unlike the other people in her life." I said "no" because it's too soon. How do you propose to someone you met only a few months ago?

I spoke to Gabe last week after the proposal and he understands my argument...I mean come on guys, think about it. Give it another month or 3. Anyways I'm back to work, but Mickey is helping me with beating people for answers because who's going to take a pregnant woman seriously, right?!

I completely cut Chase off aswell as Josh. I meant it when I said that it's just Gabe and I.

***Phone rings***

Caller ID: Chase

Call declined.

***Text message***

Chase: Why are you ignoring my calls and texts?

Chase: Damn it Adrienne just answer the fucking phone.

Chase: is something wrong?

I just left him there on read. I'm not going to entertain it, as much as I want to, it's Gabe and I...just the two of us.

Just then Gabe walked in with a tray of breakfast for me. Fresh toast, eggs, grilled tomatoes, sausages and bacon.

can tell you I was dying for food.

Chase's POV:

She hasn't been returning my texts. I've been so moody for the past few days, I haven't really slept and I've been so angry.

I have everyone on my ass about work. Telling me that there are a few jobs to take care of, I have my doctor reminding me to 'take it easy', I have Adrienne running through my mind and I have myself that keeps waking up in the middle of the night wondering if I'll ever be able to forgive myself, wondering if she'll ever forgive me and wondering if she's truly happy with Gabriel.

I know I'm not perfect for her and I don't intend on getting involved to break the relationship she has, because love means wishing someone happiness, even if it's not with you. I remind myself everyday that I don't deserve her. And even though it's beating me up inside everyday till I'm battered and broken...I will not risk her happiness for my own selfish reasons.

Adrienne's POV:

Gabe collects the tray of now empty plates and a glass. It was amazing...having someone who can cook is most definitely a bonus point.

***Cellphone rings***

"Hey babe! You're phone is ringing" I yell from the room.

"Coming!" He replies and very soon enters the room. He takes the phone and walks out which is weird because he normally just stands in my range to tell me what the call was about.
I heard a few plates break and I could hear Gabe's deep, angry tone from behind the closed office door.

"Gabe?! Everything okay in there?" I ask walking closer to the door.

"Yea" he says opening the door and walking past me and towards the door.

"I'll call you later, I have some things to take care of...okay?" He said, not even waiting for a reply he was gone.
I sat there wondering what to do now, that was really weird and aggravating. I'm angry now, he didn't even say goodbye or even give much information...

I got up from the bed and went to take a shower, I'm gonna go visit a good old friend. The steam fills the bathroom as I slip my clothes off into the laundry basket. I step under the running hot water and just let it run over me. I stand there and think to myself about everything that's happening right now.

I'm supposed to give birth in 2-3 months. I can barely see my legs and let's just say that agility and energy left me a really long time ago.
I close the tap and I just breathe in the humid air. I step out after washing my body and I start getting dressed... nothing fancy just plain and simple clothes. I look at myself in the mirror and just stand there.

I blink rapidly before walking away and grabbing the house and car keys. I close the door behind me and leave. I pull up to a place I never thought I'd be again. I walk through the land of the dead trying to find a name as familiar. There I stop when I read the name; 'Valdez Rizzo'. I lay the flowers I bought on my way here at the head of the tombstone.

"Hey..." I start breathing heavily.

"It's me...Andy. I know you were probably wondering what took me so long, why am I only visiting now. Well I've been busy" I say trying to convince myself.

"Let me not lie. I just-...I can't come to terms with it all just yet. I'm pregnant... with his child. Yes, the assface you didn't like. He's not all that bad. He makes a few stupid ass mistakes but yea. It's who he is. Anyway, I've met this new guy...he's sweet and caring, a little spontaneous, refreshing, and he's sexy for sure, he shows dominance and it really gets me everytime. He's also gentle when it's necessary and assertive when I'm not." I explained tears flowing down my face. I hadn't even realised that I had started crying. I guess pain goes numb when it's that deep.

"I really miss you, I wish that I could tell you this in-person. I wish I could see your facial reactions. Especially at the mention of you being an uncle in the near future, I'm going to make you a promise. I promise you brother, when I find who took you from me...there will be no remorse. Hell and fire will rain when I find the name of your murderer." I say clenching my fists as I kneel and sit on the stone.

I sat there for what felt like forever, listening to the wind blowing the leaves, watching how the sun moved across the sky. The sky was getting darker, as the sun began to set and it was so beautiful. Looking at all nature's wonders. Valdez must be enjoying the sights everyday. Living it up in heaven.

The sky was now dark and there were very few lights in the cemetery. I stood from the tombstone and began to walk to the car. I dropped the car keys so I bent to pick it up, and just then I felt a hard hit over my head and I struggled to see, trying to hold onto something to prevent myself from falling, I saw a black suited person...with I think a gun? I saw flashing images of me being hauled into a van. But I couldn't hear anything. Everything went black and now I wonder how many times is this going to happen.

~Heyy Pythons!!! I hope you guys are good. I'm so sorry it took so long this time. I usually post every 3 days but don't worry I'm back on track. I hit a bit of writer's block but I'm all good now. Let me know what you think. There's another chapter coming this week to make up for the wait. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Love you madly❤️

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